Email marketing guidelines for Saas businesses — Rachel Leist // HubSpot

HubSpot’s Senior Director of Marketing, Rachel Leist, looks at the power of email marketing. Email marketing is an important aspect of building an effective SaaS marketing strategy. Whether you’re using it as a transactional or nurturing tool, you want your content to be compelling. Today, Rachel discusses email marketing guidelines for SaaS business.

Show Notes

  • 02:38
    Email marketing guidelines for SaaS businesses
    Efforts should be focused on educating the customer about your business through mediums like newsletters. When customers get to the product page, its about sending them transactional emails.
  • 04:48
    Finding the balance in your email marketing strategy
    Standing out is dependent on your ability to change the email experience. It's about improving segmentation, targeting, and appeal to engage customers more effectively.
  • 06:20
    Crafting emails that will perform
    Emails should be designed according to the action you want the customer to take. Sound strategies pair a plain look with interactive content for the best results.
  • 07:56
    Types of marketing emails
    Traditional demand generation emails are concerned with getting new leads. Engagement looks at how many emails people have opened to determine the type of content they have interest in.
  • 09:00
    Ideal response rates for demand generation emails
    Its about looking at the open and engagement rate and other relevant metrics. Observing the figures on a monthly basis helps with determining how well new strategies work.
  • 10:39
    Using email nurturing in a SaaS business
    Serving customers with highly personalized emails help you stand out from your competitors. Provide content based on peoples job roles and provide solutions to their biggest challenges.
  • 11:48
    Content distribution and unsubscribe rates
    Strategies should be based on getting people to consistently interact with your emails. So its best to look at reengagement rates to figure out what works for your audience.
  • 12:20
    Other ways email can be used for B2B SaaS businesses
    Transactional emails, reminders, product launches and releases. People want to hear about new features that will solve challenges theyre experiencing.


  • "The most important thing is remembering what the customer is trying to do. They're not trying to be bombarded with messaging. They're trying to figure out what you're all about." -Rachel Leist, HubSpot, Snr Director of Marketing

  • "Triggers refer to people going through your website and visiting key pages indicating higher intent to take certain actions. Email automation will be sent based on those pages and actions." -Rachel Leist, HubSpot, Snr Director of Marketing

  • "How do you stand out? It's about changing what the email experience is actually like and improving segmentation and targeting." -Rachel Leist, HubSpot, Snr Director of Marketing

  • "Most of the emails you receive probably look the same. You have to look different. The subject line has to be engaging. The email has to be appealing. That could include videos or gifs." -Rachel Leist, HubSpot, Snr Director of Marketing

  • "We've done things like countdown timers, or scratch offs in email. It's something to be a little bit different, exciting, and that has helped to engage our audience." -Rachel Leist, HubSpot, Snr Director of Marketing

  • "We send emails to get our sales reps meetings based on actions our audience is taking. Those emails should be as plain as possible because it's coming from our sales rep." -Rachel Leist, HubSpot, Snr Director of Marketing

  • "Newsletters are created with beautiful designs. When I say beautiful designs, it's actually a plain look and feel, with interactive content that actually works better for that strategy." -Rachel Leist, HubSpot, Snr Director of Marketing

  • "There's two types of emails. One is your traditional demand generation, where you're trying to get meetings booked with your sales team. The other one is engagement." -Rachel Leist, HubSpot, Snr Director of Marketing

  • "Sometimes you want to send a lot of emails. But, if they aren't engaging with all the emails you're sending, that's when you have to stop." -Rachel Leist, HubSpot, Snr Director of Marketing

  • "We look at how many emails people received since they last engaged with us. If they haven't engaged with us in five, we're not going to keep emailing them the same content." -Rachel Leist, HubSpot, Snr Director of Marketing

  • "Start thinking about giving people content based on their job role, their biggest challenges, and getting highly personalized. That is what makes emails stand out in someone's inbox." -Rachel Leist, HubSpot, Snr Director of Marketing

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