4 Steps to set up a Feminine Funnel — Hanna Hermanson // Done for You Marketing

Hanna Hermanson, CEO of Done for You Marketing, talks about the evolution of feminine marketing. When a client is struggling to convert customers after engaging in a plethora of marketing activities, it often boils down to their marketing being out of alignment with their personality. To be effective, it’s incredibly important to look inward and determine how you are most magnetic, then align those strengths to your marketing strategies. Today, Hanna discusses the four steps to set up a feminine funnel.
About the speaker

Hanna Hermanson

Done for You Marketing (Dream Life is Real Life)

 - Done for You Marketing (Dream Life is Real Life)

Hanna is the CEO of Done for You Marketing

Show Notes

  • 02:37
    Aligning your marketing strategy with your personality
    This process starts by understanding what your strengths are and playing to them. Ideally, you have to figure out what you do well at and align those strengths with your marketing strategies to connect with your targets.
  • 05:43
    Engaging strategic partnerships and your current audience
    The most effective way to connect with people is to find strategic partners who will refer your business to others. Likewise, start conversations with your existing audience to get their opinions and create a sense of engagement.
  • 07:38
    Demonstrating what it's like to work with you
    People want to know what theyll actually be receiving if they opt into a product or service. While the demonstration depends on your product or service, its crucial to be transparent about what the offering will be like.
  • 09:08
    Inviting your audience to make an empowered buying decision
    People dont like to be sold to but its important to have a process in place to invite them to take the next action. Whether its a call to action or an email sequence, its important to ensure that there are invitations happening.
  • 10:43
    Turning your marketing efforts into dollars
    If your marketing is already aligned to your personality, youve already built a community and demonstrated what it's like to work with you, the invitation becomes easier. And, the invitation just serves as a way to check in rather than sell to targets.


  • "It feels like what I call the zone of when you try to do marketing that's not aligned with your company or your personality." -Hanna Hermanson, CEO, Done for You Marketing

  • "Look inward to understand how am I the most magnetic? And then, align your marketing strategies to show up in those ways." -Hanna Hermanson, CEO, Done for You Marketing

  • "Plugging joint ventures, affiliates, or referral partners into your marketing is an essential piece of your funnel to have other people talking about your business." -Hanna Hermanson, CEO, Done for You Marketing

  • "Depending on your product or service, there's different ways to demonstrate, but be transparent. Invite people into what it's actually like working with you." -Hanna Hermanson, CEO, Done for You Marketing

  • "Make sure you have a clear here's how we work together. And, there's a process in place, call to action, or an email sequence to make sure that there are invitations happening." -Hanna Hermanson, CEO, Done for You Marketing

About the speaker

Hanna Hermanson

Done for You Marketing (Dream Life is Real Life)

 - Done for You Marketing (Dream Life is Real Life)

Hanna is the CEO of Done for You Marketing

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