How Product Search Ate Product Comparison’s Lunch — Nii Ahene (CPC Strategy)

Today we’re going to hear from an e-commerce and product search expert, Nii Ahene. Nii is the Co-Founder and COO of CPC Strategy, an agency that helps companies like Reef Sandals, Invicta Watches, and 7th Generation Cleaning Supplies to optimize their performance marketing efforts on Amazon, Google, and Facebook. In this episode, Nii's going to talk about his career experience and what led him to start his own agency, and also give us an overview of the trends in the product search industry.
About the speaker

Nii A. Ahene

CPC Strategy

 - CPC Strategy

Nii is the Co-Founder and COO of CPC Strategy, an agency that helps companies like Reef Sandals, Invicta Watches, and 7th Generation Cleaning Supplies optimize their performance marketing efforts on Amazon, Google, and Facebook.

  • Part 1 How Product Search Ate Product Comparison’s Lunch — Nii Ahene (CPC Strategy)

Show Notes


  • “I am a Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of CPC Strategy. We've been around for about 11 years and we're a retail-focused performance marketing agency.” - Nii

  • “We help CPG and e-commerce brands put their products in front of their consumers.” - Nii

  • “I have worked at eBay and I have learned how the enterprise SEO works.” - Nii

  • “Data feed is essentially a list of attributes where you have to include the product name, title, image, and you're using a standard format to share all the information about your various products with the different sources that are going to list that product.” - Nii

  • “Vast majority of US consumers go directly to Amazon when they know what they're looking to purchase.” - Nii

  • “With Google Shopping, you dont need keywords. All you need is your inventory and Google figures out which search queries are related to your product.” - Nii

  • Part 1 How Product Search Ate Product Comparison’s Lunch — Nii Ahene (CPC Strategy)
About the speaker

Nii A. Ahene

CPC Strategy

 - CPC Strategy

Nii is the Co-Founder and COO of CPC Strategy, an agency that helps companies like Reef Sandals, Invicta Watches, and 7th Generation Cleaning Supplies optimize their performance marketing efforts on Amazon, Google, and Facebook.

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    Part 1How Product Search Ate Product Comparison’s Lunch — Nii Ahene (CPC Strategy)

    Today we’re going to hear from an e-commerce and product search expert, Nii Ahene. Nii is the Co-Founder and COO of CPC Strategy, an agency that helps companies like Reef Sandals, Invicta Watches, and 7th Generation Cleaning Supplies to optimize their performance marketing efforts on Amazon, Google, and Facebook. In this episode, Nii's going to talk about his career experience and what led him to start his own agency, and also give us an overview of the trends in the product search industry.