Growing a podcast monetization company — Tom Hunt // Fame
- Part 1 Growing a podcast monetization company — Tom Hunt // Fame
- Part 2Leveraging freelancers to scale a bootstrapped business — Tom Hunt // Fame
Show Notes
02:19Being a content production business vs executing a growth processBeing able to create high-quality content at scale will get you listeners. However, you also need to incorporate marketing and operations into the mix, in order to run the growth process.
06:28Podcast growth and monetization strategiesB2B businesses can reach out to industry bloggers for backlinks to their podcast site. Essentially, it boils down to using SEO to drive podcast and business growth.
08:15How to drive podcast subscribersThe best strategy to drive subscribers at the moment is a paid approach. Provide value in the ads and target iOS users with the deep linking strategy.
09:32The benefits of targeting iOS usersGetting a high ranking within a category on Apple podcasts increases your exposure to new listeners. Furthermore, it can be used as social proof in the future.
11:55Getting value from podcast guests and listenersDedicate the first six months to growing the relationships and partnerships with clients. Once theres steady audience growth, experiment with paid ads and proposal request forms.
14:01Tracking the value of a podcastUse post-purchase forms to find out what factors are driving your prospects and customers to take action. You can determine whether your podcast influenced their decisions.
17:00B2B businesses and podcast investmentsPodcasts provide access to valuable insights from industry experts and information about your prospects. B2B businesses should consider them as an avenue of driving growth.
"You have to create content to get listeners. But, it's more about how you can bring in marketing and operations in order to run this growth process. Which is more than just producing a 20 minute audio." -Tom Hunt, Founder & CEO, Fame
"Bloggers are getting significant organic traffic for topics. You can pay them $150 to put your B2B show at number one, with a backlink to your podcast domain page." -Tom Hunt, Founder & CEO, Fame
"Apple and Spotify are number one. if you have a podcast, I would suggest sending most of your traffic to Apple and Spotify." -Tom Hunt, Founder & CEO, Fame
"Ranking in a category within Apple is good for your show. You can use that as social proof in the future. And it will bring you more listeners if you get to the top 10 in marketing in the US." -Tom Hunt, Founder & CEO, Fame
"For the first six months, you just want to see steady month on month download growth; typically 10%. Then, well be looking for value from the listener's side." -Tom Hunt, Founder & CEO, Fame
"I think that ability to learn from experts in the niche you're trying to grow into is super valuable. So, podcasts should definitely be considered at some stage in the early journey of a B2B company." -Tom Hunt, Founder & CEO, Fame
- Part 1 Growing a podcast monetization company — Tom Hunt // Fame
- Part 2Leveraging freelancers to scale a bootstrapped business — Tom Hunt // Fame
Up Next:
Part 1Growing a podcast monetization company — Tom Hunt // Fame
Tom Hunt, Founder and CEO of Fame, talks about growing and monetizing a podcast. Podcasts are certainly proving to be one of the best ways to expand your business’ reach while leveraging the reach of industry leaders. For B2B businesses, adding podcasts to your marketing portfolio not only helps with the cultivation of a targeted audience, you get access to the insights required for future business growth. Today, Tom discusses growing a podcast monetization company.
Part 2Leveraging freelancers to scale a bootstrapped business — Tom Hunt // Fame
Tom Hunt, Founder and CEO of Fame, talks about growing and monetizing a podcast. As a startup with limited budget, getting the best bang for your buck requires some creativity. Cultivate meaningful relationships with freelancers to improve employee churn rates and assure your access to the global talent pool. Today, Tom discusses leveraging freelancers to scale a bootstrapped business.
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