Data quality awareness — George Corugedo // Redpoint Global

George Corugedo, Chief Technology Officer at Redpoint Global, talks about data quality. Data can be tremendously useful for driving business decisions. But, the business must be confident in the quality of the data or they’ll revert to intuition-driven decisions. Today, George showcases the importance of data quality awareness for organizations.
About the speaker

George Corugedo

Redpoint Global

 - Redpoint Global

George is Chief Technology Officer at Redpoint Global

Show Notes

  • 02:31
    How Redpoint Global thinks about data quality awareness
    Step one of the process is about getting the data into a perfected state. Step two is communicating how good and ready the data is.
  • 04:01
    Why we need to focus on data quality awareness
    CDPs don't go through the steps required to achieve high-quality data. For identity resolution, they use external reference files that dont get updated often.
  • 06:10
    The difference between CDPs and what Redpoint Global is doing
    Redpoint tracks behavior at the individual level and normalizes the data. This creates a unified source of truth.
  • 07:53
    Realizing when you have a data quality problem
    IT and marketing teams need to communicate in terms of data quality. Only then can the necessary recommendations be made for improvement.
  • 09:39
    Batches and data flow
    A lot of data comes in batches and in real-time. The trick for companies is to deliver these data insights to marketers in a way that they can make immediate use of them.
  • 10:59
    Organizations and data quality problems
    Many organizations struggle with fragmented data. This compromises data quality and leaves them reliant on intuition-based decision-making.
  • 12:47
    Increasing data quality awareness
    As the need for data-driven strategies grows, the quality of the data will be increasingly scrutinized. You must have an accessible source of truth to check the data against.


  • "There's a tremendous amount of value that's captured in data. But, only if you transform it into usable forms. And data quality is part of that process." -George Corugedo, Redpoint Global, CTO

  • "Getting the data into that perfected state is just one step. The second step is to communicate how good the data is, how ready the data is." -George Corugedo, Redpoint Global, CTO

  • "CDPs skipped a number of the important steps like the ingestion, hygiene, normalization, and standardization that it takes to get to highly tuned, high-quality data." -George Corugedo, Redpoint Global, CTO

  • "We differ from CDPs in that we create a reference file out of the customer data. CDPs only bounce that data off those reference files, and leave it up to the companies to do the data quality." -George Corugedo, Redpoint Global, CTO

  • "Rather than going through Google Analytics for summary information, we track data at the individual level. Then, accumulate the behavior for individuals, and respond to that individualized behavior." -George Corugedo, Redpoint Global, CTO

  • "Maybe it's called conversion in one source and conversion in another, but they may mean different things. We resolve those differences, only bringing them together when they mean the same thing." -George Corugedo, Redpoint Global, CTO

  • "We take all the different dimensions of data quality and display them in a dashboard. Then, we give business users tools to curate and improve the data with recommendations." -George Corugedo, Redpoint Global, CTO

  • "The trick is whether you can update your golden records in real-time so you can take data received 30 milliseconds ago, process it, and deliver it to a marketer in an immediately usable way." -George Corugedo, Redpoint Global, CTO

  • "When surveys ask people about the quality of their data, they'll say it's much higher than it is when tested. So there's often a misperception in where the data quality is." -George Corugedo, Redpoint Global, CTO

  • "Everybody has fragmentation as a major impediment to creating a great customer experience. Theyve got data in different silos, don't necessarily have access to it, don't have that consolidated view." -George Corugedo, Redpoint Global, CTO

  • "The point of digital transformation is all about using data to make your decisions. The awareness of the data quality is almost as important as the data quality itself." -George Corugedo, Redpoint Global, CTO

About the speaker

George Corugedo

Redpoint Global

 - Redpoint Global

George is Chief Technology Officer at Redpoint Global

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