Why permissioned consumer data > Retail Media — Brian Mandelbaum // Attain

Brian Mandelbaum, CEO of Attain, explores leveraging permissioned consumer data and ethical targeted data collection. Consumers are increasingly becoming concerned about how their data is used by companies. Stringent privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA have compelled businesses to prioritize obtaining explicit consent from consumers before collecting and using their data. Today, Brian discusses why permissioned consumer data is greater than retail media.
About the speaker

Brian Mandelbaum


 - Attain

Brian is CEO of Attain

Show Notes

  • 02:44
    Permissioned consumer data vs. traditional retail media data practices
  • 04:25
    The shift toward ethical data collection and transparency in marketing
  • 06:38
    The benefits of using permissioned consumer data in retail media strategies
  • 09:36
    Attain's role in unifying retail media data
  • 11:53
    Innovative use cases for commerce data in personalization and segmentation
  • 15:03
    The rise of data cleanrooms and data partnerships amidst privacy regulations


  • "With the advent of new privacy regulation, it's all about who has data and knowing the source of the data." - Brian Mandelbaum

  • "Consumers know that their data is being used. And you might as well least tell them how it's being used at the forefront." - Brian Mandelbaum

  • "You can use the retail media technology and the same data that is used to sell a bar of soap, or deodorant, to understand why consumers are buying breakfast or lunch or dinner at a quick service restaurant." - Brian Mandelbaum

  • "With privacy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and CPRA, marketers only really have two ways to use data. They're either collecting it on their own through clean rooms or partnering with data owners for enhanced strategies." - Brian Mandelbaum

About the speaker

Brian Mandelbaum


 - Attain

Brian is CEO of Attain

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