How SMS marketing drives incremental revenue — Brian Long // Attentive

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Welcome to the last installment of SMS Marketing Week with Brian Long of Attentive. So far this week, Brian and I have talked about the importance of SMS and personalization, how to scale your SMS list, creating value added SMS. Yesterday, we talked about building two way interactions with your customers. Today, we're going to wrap up SMS Marketing Week talking about how you can use SMS to drive incremental revenue.
About the speaker

Brian Long


 - Attentive

Brian is the CEO and Co-Founder of Attentive, a personalized mobile messaging platform.

Show Notes


  • “I think that ubiquity coupled with how simple it is, has just led to it being a fantastic channel for consumers to interact.” - Brian

  • “For the average eCommerce retail business, we're driving on average 18.5% of their online sales” - Brian

About the speaker

Brian Long


 - Attentive

Brian is the CEO and Co-Founder of Attentive, a personalized mobile messaging platform.

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