Using Mobile Geofencing & Location Data — Barry Nolan // Swrve

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Welcome back to Mobile Marketing Week with Barry Nolan, Chief Strategy Officer at Swrve, a platform that enables brands to connect with their customers with relevant messages in real time with live data and at scale. Each day this week we're going to take a long look at the small screen and discuss the biggest trend in marketing this millennium. Today, we discuss the power of mobile geofencing and location data to make your customer engagement most timely and relevant.
About the speaker

Barry Nolan


 - Swrve

Barry is a Chief Strategy Officer at Swrve, a platform that enables brands to connect with their customers with relevant messages in real time with live data and at scale.

Show Notes

  • How to Understand and Interpret Location Data
    The thing about the location is that your customers are trusting you to share their location with you.
About the speaker

Barry Nolan


 - Swrve

Barry is a Chief Strategy Officer at Swrve, a platform that enables brands to connect with their customers with relevant messages in real time with live data and at scale.

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