Leveraging influence as a marketer — Rand Fishkin // SparkToro

We’ve come to the final installment of our Marketing Superstar Week with Rand Fishkin, Founder and CEO of SparkToro. So far this week, Rand and I have talked about his tips for building a startup that matches the goals of the founder, how to learn from your customers how to build a product led marketing team. Initially, we talked about his number one tip for marketers that emails more important than anything. Today, we're gonna wrap up marketing superstar week by talking to Rand to understand how he leverages his influence as a marketer.
About the speaker

Rand Fishkin


 - SparkToro

In 2018, Rand started SparkToro, software that makes market research accessible to everyone.

Show Notes


  • “ I want to try and stay humble and grounded and connected to people.” - Rand

  • “The biggest factor in marketing is understanding who you're trying to reach”- Benjamin

  • “I want to see more in house marketers who help small and medium businesses on stages versus just directors of growth for Uber and Airbnb. “ - Rand

  • “The more influence you gain, the more that obligation rests on your shoulders. “ - Rand

About the speaker

Rand Fishkin


 - SparkToro

In 2018, Rand started SparkToro, software that makes market research accessible to everyone.

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