Generating demand using Email Prospecting and Outreach (Kevin Warner // Leadium)

Learn how to generate demand using email prospecting and Outreach with Kevin Warner, the CEO of Outbound email marketing is a powerful tool for both startups and some of the most significant companies in the world. Hear Kevin describe some of the strategies, tactics, and benchmarks for effective email outreach.
About the speaker

Kevin Warner


 - Leadium

Kevin Warner is the CEO of Leadium, a tool that combines lead-gen & sales development to support company sales teams.

  • Part 1 Generating demand using Email Prospecting and Outreach (Kevin Warner // Leadium)

Show Notes

  • Benjamin: Welcome back to the Martech Podcast. This podcast is sponsored by Searchmetrics. Searchmetrics is a search engine optimization platform that helps businesses who care about their online presence understand how their content is viewed by Google and what they can do to improve their rankings. If you're an enterprise level marketer, the Searchmetrics suite of software and services will help you optimize your existing content, help you understand what topics you need to cover next, and how to ensure that your writers produce effective content. There are billions of Google searches happening every day and helps get your stories to the top. Today we're going to discuss how to generate demand using email prospecting and outreach with Kevin Warner who's the CEO of Leadium. But before we get started, I want to talk to you about this podcast. Last week we posted our first interview with Jordan Koene who is an Axio expert and the general manager of Searchmetrics. Since this is a marketing podcast, I wanted to share some of the data with you from that episode. So far of the people that have listened to this podcast, 93% of you have subscribed. If you are a subscriber, thank you. I want you to feel like a member of a community so my plan is to share some of the strategies that we use to grow our listener base. So far the vast majority of our growth has come from email marketing. To be specific, I've sent a single email campaign that targets 185 marketers in my personal network. As of two weeks after our launch, this podcast has already been downloaded 107 times, which shows that email marketing is a powerful tool for companies that are just getting started. It's also a powerful tool used by some of the largest organizations in the world and so we're very excited to have Kevin Warner with us to tell you how companies both large and small leverage email to meet new customers.
    Benjamin: Here's our interview with Kevin.
  • Part 1 Generating demand using Email Prospecting and Outreach (Kevin Warner // Leadium)
About the speaker

Kevin Warner


 - Leadium

Kevin Warner is the CEO of Leadium, a tool that combines lead-gen & sales development to support company sales teams.

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    Part 1Generating demand using Email Prospecting and Outreach (Kevin Warner // Leadium)

    Learn how to generate demand using email prospecting and Outreach with Kevin Warner, the CEO of Outbound email marketing is a powerful tool for both startups and some of the most significant companies in the world. Hear Kevin describe some of the strategies, tactics, and benchmarks for effective email outreach.