Gary V style podcast content marketing — Scott D. Clary // Success Story Podcast
Scott D. Clary
Success Story Podcast

- Part 1 Gary V style podcast content marketing — Scott D. Clary // Success Story Podcast
- Part 2eCommerce tech stacks & strategies — Scott D. Clary // Success Story Podcast
Show Notes
03:00Content marketing strategy challenges startups faceThe energy required to consistently post fresh content across different channels. Besides Youtube, most content has a short lifespan, so new content must be put out often.
04:20Scotts strategy for content marketingAlways have the content tie back to your main objective. Essentially, its about breaking down your content for use across different channels.
05:53Breaking down your content for syndicationA lot of different content can be pulled from a 30-60 minute podcast. These include written assets like blogs and newsletters, and social assets like small clips.
09:17Expediting the content creation processIts important for startups to use the tools and tech available to expedite labor-intensive tasks. Have a simple process in place so that the effort is minimal
10:53Evaluating the effectiveness of contentUse Google Analytics to determine what gets your social audiences to your website. Then, you can determine how many convert into paying customers from those channels.
12:37The benefits of building a communityYoure able to command a higher ad rate with a larger, more engaged audience. Focus on building an engaged community. As engagement grows, so will the size of the community.
13:50Content marketing strategy for B2B podcastsYour pillar podcast content should capture the questions that buyers will ask. This ensures that all the derived content will be relevant to prospects.
"A good content marketing strategy involves hitting Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. You have to constantly be showing, and putting out new content all the time." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"Most of the content on social media doesn't have a long lifespan. Excluding YouTube, most of the content lasts for a couple minutes or a couple seconds." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"You need to have non-stop content going out if you want to have any sort of impact on ranking, keywords, and driving traffic on organic SEO." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"Organic content doesn't cost a lot to create compared to paid. But, it's the one thing that can differentiate your business if you understand how to market content at scale." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"Find a way to include your core pillar content in your content marketing strategy, that gets blasted across all your social." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"If you create that long-form content, or 30-60 minute podcast correctly, all the content derived from that can be pushed out across all your social media." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"You can break podcast video down into 3-5 minute clips for Instagram and Facebook. For Twitter, break it down into one or two minute clips." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"You can pull 30-50 different assets out of a 30-60 minute long form interview style podcast." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"When I'm editing my video, I put timestamps at every single question. So I can break that into little clips quite easily and there isnt a lot of effort." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"I use to transcribe. It does a pretty good job of transcribing with very little editing. Then, I can put that right up onto my website." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"The app can be used for Gary Vee style clips. You can have all your presets and formats set up, and transcribe the social clips in the app." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"Avoid hiring a full team of video editors, or copywriters outside your current team. If you have your process in place, you have the tools and tech that allow you to do it quite simply." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"To be effective on social media, you always have to be showing up. You have to put out a lot of content because people's attention spans are very short." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"With Google analytics, I can tie a dollar value back to the amount of content I'm pushing out. I'll see the number of people coming in from my socials that convert into paying customers." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"If I build a larger, more engaged community, that will lead to a larger following. Then, I can command a higher ad rate because I have a larger community." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"As that pillar podcast content captures the questions that a buyer would have, all the derived assets are valuable, and attract leads from your prospects." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"I find that UGC is a much more effective investment for D to C versus a conversation like this broken down into smaller little clips." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
"In an interview for an enterprise B2B product, Id be asking you questions that my buyer is asking, and all my talking points are relevant pieces of information from a potential buyer." -Scott D. Clary, Success Story Podcast, Founder
- Part 1 Gary V style podcast content marketing — Scott D. Clary // Success Story Podcast
- Part 2eCommerce tech stacks & strategies — Scott D. Clary // Success Story Podcast
Up Next:
Part 1Gary V style podcast content marketing — Scott D. Clary // Success Story Podcast
Scott D. Clary, Founder of The Success Story Podcast, chimes in on marketing technology in the podcast space. A vast amount of assets can be pulled from a 30 to 60 minute interview. Content syndication around social media is simpler than ever today thanks to several tools and technologies. Today, Scott discusses Gary Vee style podcast content marketing.
Part 2eCommerce tech stacks & strategies — Scott D. Clary // Success Story Podcast
The Success Story Podcast Founder, Scott D. Clary continues discussions on marketing technology. In D to C eCommerce, people need to trust your brand as soon as they land on your website. When you’re a new player to the market, there are several tactics to establish brand authenticity and build trust with your prospects. Today, Scott speaks about eCommerce marketing strategies for startups.
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