From sales to Bacon Wrapped Business success

Today we're going to learn about the skills accumulated and lessons learned from a great marketer throughout the various stops on his career. Joining us is Brad Costanzo, the Founder of the Constanza Marketing Group, which helps businesses create new profit centers using overlooked opportunities, hidden assets and under utilized relationships to secure new revenue sources. He is also the host of the Bacon Wrapped Business podcast.
About the speaker

Brad Costanzo

Bacon Wrapped Business

 - Bacon Wrapped Business

Brad is the Founder of the Constanza Marketing Group, which helps businesses create new profit centers using overlooked opportunities, hidden assets and under utilized relationships to secure new revenue sources. He is also the host of the Bacon Wrapped Business podcast.

  • Part 1 From sales to Bacon Wrapped Business success

Show Notes


  • “I had a background in sales but at the beginning of my career, I knew nothing about marketing. Generating leads was something totally new to me.” - Brad “After reading Tim Ferriss’ ‘4-hour Work Week’ I have started two businesses at the same time. One was a software business and the other one was publishing.” - Brad “One of the most effective things you can do in sales is to be empathetic and to listen carefully about what the customer wants.” - Brad“The goal of marketing is to make selling superfluous.”- Brad “There are three primary categories in the information business - those are health, wealth, and love.” - Brad “There is a lot more heavy persuasion involved in selling information and how to improve your life than there is in selling physical products or software.” - Brad “One of the main reasons for becoming a consultant was because I got tired of starting businesses.” - Brad “Consulting allows me to fulfill my love of novelty and new challenges.” - Brad "I get to look at my clients as partners as opposed to just clients.” - Brad “It's a real art and science to know how to effectively communicate your value proposition to your clients.” - Brad “Podcast gave me the opportunity to explore topics that were interested in me, but also to reach out and build access to influential people.” - Brad “Podcasting is the best networking and relationship building hack in the world.” - Brad “When you get hired for a job, you're hired to fill a role and when you're in as a consultant, you're hired to fill a result.” - Brad 

  • Part 1 From sales to Bacon Wrapped Business success
About the speaker

Brad Costanzo

Bacon Wrapped Business

 - Bacon Wrapped Business

Brad is the Founder of the Constanza Marketing Group, which helps businesses create new profit centers using overlooked opportunities, hidden assets and under utilized relationships to secure new revenue sources. He is also the host of the Bacon Wrapped Business podcast.

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    Part 1From sales to Bacon Wrapped Business success

    Today we're going to learn about the skills accumulated and lessons learned from a great marketer throughout the various stops on his career. Joining us is Brad Costanzo, the Founder of the Constanza Marketing Group, which helps businesses create new profit centers using overlooked opportunities, hidden assets and under utilized relationships to secure new revenue sources. He is also the host of the Bacon Wrapped Business podcast.