How to Effectively Connect with Your Prospects — Daniel Rodriguez // Alyce

Welcome to Customer Appreciation Week on the MarTech podcast. Each day this week we are going to publish an episode that discusses what you need to know about how to humanize your sales and marketing efforts to build long-lasting and impactful relationships. Joining us is Daniel Rodriguez, who is the Head of Marketing at Alyce. Today, we discuss how to relate effectively with your prospects.
About the speaker

Daniel Rodriguez


 - Alyce

Daniel is the Head of Marketing at Alyce, which is an AI-powered platform that matches your prospects with personalized gift selections, so you can drive success with direct mail.

Show Notes

  • Influencers Selling Their Own Products (02:09)
    What I find really exciting is that people are building their own brands and creating their own products by leveraging these low-cost tools to tap into their communities.
About the speaker

Daniel Rodriguez


 - Alyce

Daniel is the Head of Marketing at Alyce, which is an AI-powered platform that matches your prospects with personalized gift selections, so you can drive success with direct mail.

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