Blending humans, AI, & automation — Erica Salm Rench //

Erica Salm Rench, COO at, discusses the benefits of artificial intelligence in marketing tools and technology. When integrating AI into your marketing efforts, it's about finding the balance between human input, marketing automation, and AI. While there’s no substitute for well-written human content, it makes sense to automate away the tasks we can afford to. Today, Erica talks about how to blend humans, artificial intelligence, and marketing automation together.
About the speaker

Erica Salm Rench


Erica is COO at

Show Notes

  • 02:46
    Blending humans, AI, and marketing automation to produce great results
    Relevant content is a way to provide value in between purchase and conversion periods.This process blends human input with AI and marketing automation.
  • 04:05
    As it stands, AI can't be substituted for humans where long form content is concerned. However, AI is beneficial in terms of automating away repetitive and simple tasks.
  • 05:22
    The hardest part of newsletter production is the curation process. Using AI automates the curation process and enables scaled personalization.
  • 06:56
    Artificially intelligent newsletters and engagement rates
    Pairing AI with automation increases engagement as the content is relevant to the individual user. This process allows the newsletter to get smarter while still providing you editorial control.
  • 09:38
    rasa and integration with other email providers
    rasa integrates tools like MailChimp to enable subscriber list management. Your newsletter can run through rasa while it continually updates subscribers based on your primary source of truth.
  • 10:19
    rasa as a standalone solution
    rasa does curation and send all in one. Users are able to customize their HTML templates, while rasa syncs subscribers, then pulls in and sends out content.


  • "How can you provide value to your subscribers in between those purchase periods and conversion periods? A lot of that is done through relevant content, which is what we aim to deliver at rasa." -Erica Salm Rench, COO,

  • "Use the AI to predict which readers are gonna want what. That saves more time for the human to create valuable content and to apply their creativity to a task that is not tedious and can be automated away." -Erica Salm Rench, COO,

  • "If automation is inherent to AI, youll see engagement rates increase. As we collect data on folks, the newsletter's going to get smarter." -Erica Salm Rench, COO,

  • "We have integrations with MailChimp and Constant Contact so that you can manage your subscriber list in those tools. And then plug them and authenticate through rasa." -Erica Salm Rench, COO,

  • "One of the really powerful things about rasa is we're curation and send all in one. So you can completely customize your templates, sync subscribers, but then we're going to pull in content and send out." -Erica Salm Rench, COO,

About the speaker

Erica Salm Rench


Erica is COO at

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