Telemarketing Week: Why Telemarketing Isn’t a Dirty Word — Mark Sullivan // CallRail

This week we're going to dive deep into one of the most underutilized and misunderstood marketing channels: Telemarketing. Joining us is Mark Sullivan, Director of Demand Generation & Marketing Operations at CallRail, which provides intuitive software that enables marketers to understand what makes their phone ring through, call attribution, routing, and conversion rate optimization services. Mark is also a contributor to VentureBeat,, American Marketing Association, Street Fight, and Search Engine Journal. Today, in the first installment of Telemarketing Week, Mark and I discuss some of the misconceptions surrounding the word of telemarketing.
About the speaker

Mark Sullivan


 - CallRail

Mark is the Director of Demand Generation & Marketing Operations at CallRail, which provides intuitive software that enables marketers to understand what makes their phone ring through, call attribution, routing, and conversion rate optimization services. Mark is also a contributor to VentureBeat,, American Marketing Association, Street Fight, and Search Engine Journal.

Show Notes

  • Telemarketing (02:28)
    The phone communication is extremely important and we have built an entire business around it at CallRail.
About the speaker

Mark Sullivan


 - CallRail

Mark is the Director of Demand Generation & Marketing Operations at CallRail, which provides intuitive software that enables marketers to understand what makes their phone ring through, call attribution, routing, and conversion rate optimization services. Mark is also a contributor to VentureBeat,, American Marketing Association, Street Fight, and Search Engine Journal.

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