Amazon Week: Pricing and Operational Levers — Adam Weiler // Sunken Stone

This week we're doing a deep dive into one of the largest and fastest growing channels in e-commerce and beyond - Amazon. Each day this week, we're going to publish an episode that discusses what you need to know about launching, scaling and optimizing your brand's presence on Amazon. Back with us today is our first repeat guest, Adam Weiler, who's an Amazon Expert, Coach, and Founder at Sunken Stone. Today, in the third installment of Amazon Week, we discuss the pricing and operational levers at your disposal in the marketplace.

Show Notes

  • Advertising Products on Amazon (03:28)
    Recently, Amazon has shifted from an organic search ranking to advertising, and also their own products on the listings. For example, the other day I typed a keyword “gummy vitamin” and I couldnt see any organic results. I had to scroll quite a bit to get an unpaid result out of that.

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