Why the New Marketing Era is Feminine — Hanna Hermanson //

Hanna Hermanson, CEO of Done for You Marketing, talks about the evolution of feminine marketing. Marketing and sales are constantly evolving in connection with consumer behaviors and trends. Today’s consumer no longer wants to just be sold something, they want to do their own research and make the choice to opt in or out on their own terms. Today, Hanna discusses the new marketing era and why it's feminine.
About the speaker

Hanna Hermanson

Done for You Marketing (Dream Life is Real Life)

 - Done for You Marketing (Dream Life is Real Life)

Hanna is the CEO of Done for You Marketing

Show Notes

  • 02:05
    What is meant by feminine marketing
    Since the pandemic, there has been a shift in the way buying and selling occur. Feminine marketing takes into account how culture is evolving, inclusivity, community, feminine creativity, etc.
  • 04:57
    How feminine marketing differs from traditional sales and marketing
    Sales and marketing in the past focused on pushing out information to a target market to convince them to make a purchase. Feminine marketing focuses more on pull marketing and gives the buyer the choice to opt in or out.
  • 07:54
    Marketing channels that will become popular with the shift in marketing and sales
    Social media has become oversaturated and has led to ad fatigue amongst users. Were likely to see more community networking and marketing happening now and into the future.
  • 09:42
    The feminine approach to networking
    The feminine approach to networking is about creating strategic partnerships rather than just pitching to make a deal. Its about building a personal brand using your personality to pull people in.
  • 11:03
    The goal of feminine marketing
    The end goal is still to make money. However, the focus isnt just on the money but actually on being inclusive and using your personality to bring people into your circle.


  • Episode Content Template

  • Episode Title - Hanna Hermanson (Done for You Marketing) Part 1

  • Guest Website link - www.dreamlifeisreallife.com/blog

  • Guest LinkedIn link - https://www.linkedin.com/in/hannahermanson/

  • Guest Job Title - CEO

  • Art19 - Episode Description (3-4 sentences)

  • Hanna Hermanson, CEO of Done for You Marketing, talks about the evolution of feminine marketing. Marketing and sales are constantly evolving in connection with consumer behaviors and trends. Todays consumer no longer wants to just be sold something, they want to do their own research and make the choice to opt in or out on their own terms. Today, Hanna discusses the new marketing era and why it's feminine.

  • Art19 - Episode Summary (1 sentence)

  • Hanna Hermanson, CEO of Done for You Marketing, discusses the new marketing era and why it's feminine.

  • WordPress - Company Summary (1-2 Sentence)

  • Done For You Marketing produces copywriting, websites, and funnels focusing on feminine energy approaches to sales. They offer ongoing social media content, email newsletters, and strategy to help clients start to see inbound leads for their high-ticket programs.

  • WordPress - Excerpt (Same as Art19 Episode Description)

  • Hanna Hermanson, CEO of Done for You Marketing, talks about the evolution of feminine marketing. Marketing and sales are constantly evolving in connection with consumer behaviors and trends. Todays consumer no longer wants to just be sold something, they want to do their own research and make the choice to opt in or out on their own terms. Today, Hanna discusses the new marketing era and why it's feminine.

  • Show Notes:

  • 02:05 - What is meant by feminine marketing

  • Since the pandemic, there has been a shift in the way buying and selling occur. Feminine marketing takes into account how culture is evolving, inclusivity, community, feminine creativity, etc.

  • 04:57 - How feminine marketing differs from traditional sales and marketing

  • Sales and marketing in the past focused on pushing out information to a target market to convince them to make a purchase. Feminine marketing focuses more on pull marketing and gives the buyer the choice to opt in or out.

  • 07:54 - Marketing channels that will become popular with the shift in marketing and sales

  • Social media has become oversaturated and has led to ad fatigue amongst users. Were likely to see more community networking and marketing happening now and into the future.

  • 09:42 - The feminine approach to networking

  • The feminine approach to networking is about creating strategic partnerships rather than just pitching to make a deal. Its about building a personal brand using your personality to pull people in.

  • 11:03 - The goal of feminine marketing

  • The end goal is still to make money. However, the focus isnt just on the money but actually on being inclusive and using your personality to bring people into your circle.

  • Quotes:

  • "What we're starting to see, especially from 2020, is a very different way of buying and selling. Being able to understand where our offers sit in the larger cultural context is essential." -Hanna Hermanson, CEO, Done for You Marketing

  • "The way that we move people down the funnel or into our marketing conversations can be and should start to change because people are exhausted." -Hanna Hermanson, CEO, Done for You Marketing

  • "If we can get back to the basics, networking, hitting the sidewalk, and connecting with real people, not bots, this is the leading edge." -Hanna Hermanson, CEO, Done for You Marketing

  • "We're going to see way more community networking and marketing happening now and moving forward." -Hanna Hermanson, CEO, Done for You Marketing

  • "Social media is dead. It worked in 2016 or even before, and there are places that it can work. But, I don't think social media is a place that we should be focusing our marketing efforts." -Hanna Hermanson, CEO, Done for You Marketing

  • "The feminine approach to networking is not, here's my 15-minute speech, call me, let's make a deal. It's creating strategic partnerships and letting people in on your personality." -Hanna Hermanson, CEO, Done for You Marketing

About the speaker

Hanna Hermanson

Done for You Marketing (Dream Life is Real Life)

 - Done for You Marketing (Dream Life is Real Life)

Hanna is the CEO of Done for You Marketing

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