How high volume creatives can help scale Paid Social
Kevin Urrutia

- Part 1 How high volume creatives can help scale Paid Social
- Part 2Using Facebook for eComm customer feedback
Show Notes
“Once you know that your offer or product works, you now need to make sure that you have enough creatives for volume and when I say creatives that could be videos, images or even just content that people can read up where you are seeing paid traffic too. Two is also advertorials because that is a different hooker angle that youcan use to sell your product or item that you have.” -Kevin“Our biggest one is of course the images that you use. The biggest brands that we are working with are basically devolving all these creatives in-house for or they are using something like us to make these images or hooks that we need.” -Kevin“With creatives you can really put all your hooks and angles on there. It’s very easy just to make an update such as add a new ad copy on top, kind of like that catch line.” -Kevin“For example in skincare companies, ‘hey, have dry skin?, have oily skin?’ and so on. There are so many hooks you can make and there that’s already how many images you can test. And then, think of all the value prop or issues that your product might solve and out that into a creative, that’s your hook.” -Kevin“For me when you talk about launching or validating a PPC as a channel, a lot of what you are doing is focusing on cultivating an audience. You are ‘pixel seasoning’ it’s the term de jour that I hear in the martech space is that you are building your retargerting pixels, you are giving your ad channel enough data to understand not only what a conversion looks like but who is the audience that is going to convert.” -Ben“Eventually when you get to the point of maturity when you know your audiences, you have a good understanding of some of the value props you should be offering then it becomes how do you keep your messaging fresh.” -Ben “In the begininig it’s really about different types of creatives because again you want the big wins, you want the major changes. We call those years the concepts. You basically think of a cute concept and then you test them out and if it works, you sort of make it like a template and you can then add all the markings you might want to add.” -Kevin“We love doing video.We do images as well but the biggest one we like to do is video and the reason why we like that is because you can really break down a video into different segments and parts and once you know what parts are working and not working, you can them swap themin with your creative team.” -Kevin“With a video for example, we like to break it down to four parts called AIDA. That’s Attention, Interest, Desire and Action and then we used a metric based on Facebook to tell us how these videos are performing. Based on what we are seeing, we’ll swap in or even update parts that are not working.” -Kevin“For Attention, here at VoyMedia it’s basically the same as , ‘Hey, 25% of the video viewers watch at least three seconds of the video. Because they watched three seconds of it, that tells us that this hook for example could work. So they go into the second part which is Interest.” -Kevin“So, rumor has it that Facebook prioritizes video creatives over the flat images.” -Ben“For some brands, videos perform better but we do a lot of clothing companies and we still see collection images doing much better where people can browse it. Or some food products, you see static images of food getting cooked? It performs much better.” -Kevin“I still love using the firetruck red which is the firetruck color. That image always performs pretty well because it is such a nice, deep red. It even works pretty well for checkout button.” -Kevin“With design choices, we also really like to use data because our background is in science.” -Kevin “For us success is really when 1 of the 25% has seen more than 25% of our video and if they haven’t, there’s no debate. The hook, or the angle, and the first three seconds will be asked to change because the numbers just won’t play out. It’s just going to be too much high of a cpa, too low level click X and too much work.” -Kevin“Another is if you have a video creative, did somebody watched at least 40% of that? If they did, that means it’s interesting enought for them to keep watching the content so let’s keep using the segment or keep it for a different video later on.” -Kevin“When we go the Desire phase, here is where we look for the clickthrough rate. We ideally want anything above a one or maybe even two percent (1 -2%). Anythingbelow that just gets way too expensive and just won’t play out in numbers.” -Kevin“I think that is an important point. When you are designing your creative you might fall in love with it but it doesn’t mean that it actually is going to perform the best.” -Ben
- Part 1 How high volume creatives can help scale Paid Social
- Part 2Using Facebook for eComm customer feedback
Up Next:
Part 1How high volume creatives can help scale Paid Social
Today we're going to discuss hacking your way to the next order of magnitude using PPC. Joining us is Kevin Urrutia, the Founder of Voy Media, which is an agency and catalyst for business growth, helping brands cross the thresholds from six figures to seven, maybe seven to eight using performance marketing. In part 1 of our conversation, we discuss how high volume creatives can help scale paid social.
Part 2Using Facebook for eComm customer feedback
Today we're going to discuss hacking your way to the next order of magnitude using PPC. Joining us is Kevin Urrutia, the Founder of Voy Media, which is an agency and catalyst for business growth, helping brands cross the thresholds from six figures to seven, maybe seven to eight using performance marketing. In part 2 of our conversation, we discuss using Facebook for eComm customer feedback.
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