Email Week: The Tech Behind Email Deliverability — Tracy Sestili // SparkPost

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Welcome to Email Week on the MarTech Podcast. Each day this week we're going to publish an episode that discusses what you need to know to optimize, scale, and derisk your email marketing strategies. Joining us is Tracy Sestili, Head of Marketing at SparkPost, which is a sponsor of the MARTEC podcast. Sparkpost is the world's number one email sender and delivers over 37% of the world's B2C emails. Their unmatched data footprint, real time alerts, and spam trap monitoring help their clients find and fix problems with their email outreach before they become an issue. Today, we discuss the tech behind email deliverability.
About the speaker

Tracy Sestili


 - SparkPost

Tracy is the Head of Marketing at SparkPost, which is a sponsor of the MarTech podcast. Sparkpost is the world's number one email sender and delivers over 37% of the world's B2C emails.

Show Notes

  • Breaking Through The Noise (02:16)
    To break through the noise, you first have to do personal segmentation. Making sure you have the right people in the right buckets and giving them what they want on a personalization and content basis. The reputation of your IP is also very important.
About the speaker

Tracy Sestili


 - SparkPost

Tracy is the Head of Marketing at SparkPost, which is a sponsor of the MarTech podcast. Sparkpost is the world's number one email sender and delivers over 37% of the world's B2C emails.

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