Web 3.0’s role in loyalty marketing — Paula Thomas // Let’s Talk Loyalty

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Paula Thomas, Founder of Let’s Talk Loyalty, dives into what customer loyalty looks like in a post-pandemic world. Whether it’s Bitcoin or NFTs, Web3 technologies and solutions are getting attention from marketers and they’re finding creative ways to integrate them into their loyalty programs. While Web3 technologies aren’t expected to replace loyalty programs anytime soon, loyalty program owners need to start preparing for a future where people control and own their data. Today, Paula discusses Web3's role in loyalty marketing.
About the speaker

Paula Thomas

Let's Talk Loyalty

 - Let's Talk Loyalty

Paula is the Founder of Let’s Talk Loyalty

Show Notes

  • 02:42
    Web3s relation to loyalty marketing
    With cookies on the way out, loyalty programs are a great asset for brands to have access to first party data. Web3 is enabling brands to create assets that will retain their value that loyalty program members can own and trade.
  • 08:33
    How companies can retain control of their loyalty rewards program in a Web3 world
    Web3 technologies are unlikely to replace existing loyalty programs at scale anytime soon. However, marketers need to start preparing for a world where consumers want to own and control their own data
  • 10:21
    The benefits of using Web3 three technologies in loyalty rewards programs
    While people are still trying to figure out use cases for them, Web3 technologies are proving to be opportunities for brands to get creative. For luxury and premium brands, it could be a way to create an additional revenue stream.


  • "In a world where cookies are disappearing, you do need loyalty programs and their data." -Paula Thomas, Founder, Lets Talk Loyalty

  • "Web 3.0 gives a creator the opportunity to actually own an asset, create it, and to also retain its value." -Paula Thomas, Founder, Lets Talk Loyalty

  • "We need to start preparing for a different future where people are allowed to own their own data, assets, and have the freedom and flexibility to use it in ways they never could before." -Paula Thomas, Founder, Lets Talk Loyalty

  • "I do believe that Web 3.0 explodes the opportunity for creativity. So, where that leads to for brands still remains to be seen." -Paula Thomas, Founder, Lets Talk Loyalty

About the speaker

Paula Thomas

Let's Talk Loyalty

 - Let's Talk Loyalty

Paula is the Founder of Let’s Talk Loyalty

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