Rehumanizing marketing thru video
Ethan Beute

Show Notes
“There are a number of ways to use video in your business and across your social profiles, emails, etc. What I am specifically advocating for is that when you are hitting send or a machine is sending out a message on your behalf, that you look for opportunities to add something lightweight and a little bit more human and personal where people can understand you better.” -Ethan“I know I have seen this in my business. When I am doing my sales outreach and someone asks for a PDF or email description or even just what’s the price of sponsorship if I send them the pdf or the email for the price, I will rarely hear back from them. But if I get them on a call and I am able to actually walk them through the program with the same information, my conversion rate is significantly higher.” -Ben “I think what you’re getting at here is the price value scenario, this idea of perceived valuethat if you are able to connect with someone and give some contexts to it. If they just look at your price sheet they are going to make some assumptions about what all those things mean. But if you can give them contexts and give them specific value and you aren’t speaking generic, you are speaking specifically about their business and some of their challenges and opportunities, and specific prescription, it allows you to give a really clear meaning to the value that the price at some level become secondary.” -Ethan“You are using email and LinkedIn messages, and other touches to move people through a funnel, you’re looking at all these levers and you kind of know where deals slow down, what lights people up, what type of deals stall and why and you are working ways to remove friction and move things quickly. Part of what is going on there is a lack of clarity, trust, and rapport and a video allows you to do those things.” -Ethan“Personal always beats a generic video but a generic video almost always beats generic text.” -Ethan“You can record a video once and add it to an automatic sequence or have it be a triggered email. You can also record a video and have it available to send anytime an opportunity comes up, so it could be a manual send but this is already done for.” -Ethan“Some things don’t scale and that is where their value is. A handwritten note doesn’t scale.” -Ethan“Find your moments to do the unscalable because there’s value in that. The unscalable helps you build relationships and relationships are built of some of the things that don’t scale.” -Ethan“I just want to challenge people to say, don’t try to scale things until you truly understand them and don’t say because this doesn’t scale, I can’t do it or I shouldn’t do it. There are some things that you do that don’t scale and the value of that activity is in that fact.” -Ethan
Up Next:
Part 1Be Personable When You Can’t Meet in Person Rehumanize Your Business Strategy With Video Simple, personal video communication in email, text, and social
Today we discuss using video to make friends and earn more business. Joining us is Ethan Beute, the Chief Evangelist of BombBomb, which is a software company that helps working professionals rehumanize their business. In part 1 of our conversation, we discuss how to be personable when you can't meet in person.
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Part 2Accelerate sales with Video Marketing
Today we discuss using video to make friends and earn more business. Joining us is Ethan Beute, the Chief Evangelist of BombBomb, which is a software company that helps working professionals rehumanize their business. In part 2 of our conversation, we discuss rehumanizing marketing through video.
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Part 3Rehumanizing marketing thru video
Today we discuss using video to make friends and earn more business. Joining us is Ethan Beute, the Chief Evangelist of BombBomb, which is a software company that helps working professionals rehumanize their business. In part 3 of our conversation, we discuss how to accelerate sales with video marketing