Accelerate Your Pipeline With Comments — Nicholas Thickett // Alignd

Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner at Alignd, chats with guest host Jordan Crawford, Co-Founder of Blueprint, about how to accelerate your sales pipeline. Customers who trust your brand are more likely to recommend it to others. While many B2B brands understand the value of trust, they struggle to operationalize engagement strategies that grow their audience with the right connections. Today, Nicholas discusses how to accelerate your pipeline with comments.
About the speaker

Nicholas Thickett


 - Alignd

Nicholas is Managing Partner at Alignd

Show Notes

  • 02:23
    B2B sales and one on one outbound outreach
    B2B sales teams often default to one on one outbound outreach, which doesn't scale very well. So, sales teams end up dealing with long and costly sales cycles.
  • 04:05
    Leveraging social media comments for outbound outreach
    Comments encourage community conversation and provide the social proof needed to build relationships. As more conversations take place in the comments, theyll get more distribution.
  • 05:54
    Identifying conversation opportunities
    The process starts with identifying pains that are frequent and havent been addressed. Ultimately, its all about finding a problem and providing the options to solve it independently.
  • 07:33
    Influencer collaborations and social selling
    Ideally, you want to build trust through your associations. Going through comments allows you to tap into the influencers community and creates opportunities for collaborations.
  • 09:58
    Finding influencers in your category on LinkedIn
    Filter by who's posted in the last 30 days, and identify the influencers that keep popping up. Join their communitys conversations to grow your following and collaboration opportunities.
  • 11:25
    Enabling buyers through your social content
    When the right prospects are engaging with your posts, they're likely to start reaching out to you. This type of enablement leads to deal velocity via the trust established through social proof.
  • 13:00
    Leveraging LinkedIn as a marketing and sales channel
    LinkedIn provides the opportunity to find and connect with prospects at scale. It also creates the opportunity to drive sales through social proof and pain point specific content.
  • 14:27
    How to become a go
    Ultimately, its about giving them a voice and options to solve their major pains. By providing those options, you build trust and become a go-to-source they refer to others.


  • "Comments are a compounding conversation that other people jump into to go deeper. But when you quickly move that to the DMs, nobody else can see it, there's no social proof." -Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner, Alignd

  • "I could talk about how social selling is fantastic, but the reality is we're just finding a problem. And we're giving them options to solve it themselves. We're becoming the guide." -Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner, Alignd

  • "Great influencers have a community in the comments. When you are invited in by an expert and show that you know what you're talking about, it opens doors for collaboration." -Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner, Alignd

  • "The uphill battle is trying to create a conversation. The low hanging fruit is finding the conversations that are already happening." -Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner, Alignd

  • "If you look at the breakdown of most platforms, less than 1% of people post regularly or create content. Between three to eight percent of people are engagers." -Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner, Alignd

  • "One of my favorite filters is who's posted in the last 30 days. Look for the different influences that keep popping up." -Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner, Alignd

  • "Search in SERPs, see what you find, join the conversation, and see where it goes. People know people and that compound brings people to you through your profile funnel." -Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner, Alignd

  • "Once the right buyers are engaging with your posts, you'll get to where people will come inbound. Or, when you're going outbound, theres trust through association and you get deal velocity." -Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner, Alignd

  • "You could take a sales process that's normally six months to two years down to 30 to 60 days, because they've been part of your pipeline or listening for the past six to eight months." -Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner, Alignd

  • "When people see that you have 250 shared connections, they know you're not going to pitch slap them, because their friends wouldn't have connected with you if you weren't credible." -Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner, Alignd

  • "You could take a sales process that's normally six months to two years down to 30 to 60 days, because they've been part of your pipeline or listening for the past six to eight months." -Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner, Alignd

  • "You could take a sales process that's normally six months to two years down to 30 to 60 days, because they've been part of your pipeline or listening for the past six to eight months." -Nicholas Thickett, Managing Partner, Alignd

About the speaker

Nicholas Thickett


 - Alignd

Nicholas is Managing Partner at Alignd

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