Instagram Week: Paid vs Social vs Influencer // Colton Bollinger — Jumper Media

This week we're diving into one of the biggest and fastest growing channels in both paid and organic reach: Instagram. Each day this week we're going to publish an episode that covers the landscape, features, and optimization strategies to help you get your Insta profile to drive business results. Joining us for Instagram Week is Colton Ballinger, who is Founder and CEO at Jumper Media, an agency of strategic thinkers, marketers, developers, and designers who bring thousands of targeted new followers that convert into paying customers via Instagram. So far this week we've talked about the overall landscape of Instagram, how to think about the various content tools, how to create content that's going to resonate with your audience, and how to increase your visibility. To wrap up instagram week, today we're going to talk about how to prioritize organic paid and influencer campaigns on Instagram.
About the speaker

Colton Bollinger

Jumper Media

 - Jumper Media

Colton is the Founder and CEO at Jumper Media, an agency of strategic thinkers, marketers, developers, and designers who bring thousands of targeted new followers that convert into paying customers via Instagram.

Show Notes

  • Paid vs. Organic (03:50)
    The organic is always there, but the alternative is paid and influencer marketing. As I have already mentioned before, organic marketing on Instagram is very difficult to track. Organic is great for brand awareness and social proof because everyone is checking your social media.
About the speaker

Colton Bollinger

Jumper Media

 - Jumper Media

Colton is the Founder and CEO at Jumper Media, an agency of strategic thinkers, marketers, developers, and designers who bring thousands of targeted new followers that convert into paying customers via Instagram.

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