Monetizing podcast interviews
Christina Nicholson
Podcast Clout

- Part 1Using podcasts to grow your thought leadership
- Part 2How to speak on your customers favorite podcasts
- Part 3 Monetizing podcast interviews
Show Notes
“It would be nice if you know a thing or two about the podcast and the host. You want to do a bit of homework and be in a nice and quiet space. And then a lot of podcasters actually use videos and it’s actually a question I never asked until how much more popular it’s becoming for people to take videos while they are recording their podcast and they use that in their social media.” -Christina“It’s just a conversation. I think a lot of people get all worked up because it’s a form of media and they overthink it. But really just have a laid-back conversation that’s what people want to listen to and don’t hold things back.” -Christina“I also make sure that I have to be a good podcast guest and have a good interview and not be afraid of saying what’s on my mind. It is reminding myself that the podcast host is doing me a favor.” -Christina“You don’t need to overthink having a conversation. The more comfortable you are, the more people hear that. It is very clear when somebody is nervous and bouncing around in their chair and uncertain. And if somebody asks you a question, you don’t know the answer to, it’s okay to say that too.” -Ben“I think it’s important to have a little pre-conversation with the host just so you know what you can and cannot talk about. Actually sometimes real interruptions sparks an idea as well. It’s about being open and honest.” -Christina“It’s also important for people to know how you edit. Again it’s all about having a conversation with the host and please always keep in the back of your mind to not be self-promotional. If you just want to straight-up promote your product a 100% then buy an ad to do that because it can be disrespectful.” -Christina“I call it doing PR on your PR. You have to share that content everywhere multiple times. Don’t just share it once. If I had to guess I would say 8 out of 10 people don’t share it once. I would say 1 out of the 10share it once and maybe another 1 out of the 10 share it multiple times.” -Christina“You need to share it multiple times for so many reasons. One, it’s just common courtesy to the podcast host. Tag the podcast host. Not only is this good for them because you are introducing their podcast to your audience but they see this and they appreciate it. Then maybe they will invite you back, keep you top of mind if they know somebody who needs you or your services, and maybe they will recommend your podcast to other people.” -Christina“And then it’s good for you. There are people who are going to see me share this podcast on my social media and they will not know I was on this podcast but when they see me because I shared it, they will be like, ‘Oh wow, somebody chose Christina on their show to talk about this, she must be good at what she does.’ It just makes the media last onger when you share it on social media.” -Christina“You can’t share it only once because it’s a moving feed. People say that they can’tshare it multiple times because people will get sick of it or annoyed. I had somebody call me because she heard me on a podcast I did four years ago and that’s because I am still sharing that episode on my social media.” -Christina“Remember there is algorithm. It is not going to show it to people who aren’t interested in you.” -Christina“You don’t have to publish just one piece of content as it happened. You can basically have your evergreen content and you are starting to build in just this loop of content that you are going to re-publish.” -Ben “There are multiple ways to monetize but the big overarching thing is building a personal brand. People like to do business with people they know they can trust. It makes the sale so much easier.” -Christina
- Part 1Using podcasts to grow your thought leadership
- Part 2How to speak on your customers favorite podcasts
- Part 3 Monetizing podcast interviews
Up Next:
Part 1Using podcasts to grow your thought leadership
Today we're going to discuss converting your content into revenue. Joining us is Christina Nicholson, the Founder of Podcast Clout, which is a software that builds targeted podcast pitch lists to get the exact pitch that leads to tens of thousands of dollars of revenue. In part 1 of our conversation, we discuss how to use podcasts to grow your thought leadership.
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Part 2How to speak on your customers favorite podcasts
Today we're going to discuss converting your content into revenue. Joining us is Christina Nicholson, the Founder of Podcast Clout, which is a software that builds targeted podcast pitch lists to get the exact pitch that leads to tens of thousands of dollars of revenue. In part 2 of our conversation, we discuss how to speak on your customers favourite podcasts.
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Part 3Monetizing podcast interviews
Today we're going to discuss converting your content into revenue. Joining us is Christina Nicholson, the Founder of Podcast Clout, which is a software that builds targeted podcast pitch lists to get the exact pitch that leads to tens of thousands of dollars of revenue. In part 3 of our conversation, we discuss how to monetize podcast interviews.