Tips for creating engaging videos

Learning & Video Ambassador at TechSmith, Matt Pierce, discusses tips for creating engaging videos. In this episode, Matt discusses his perspectives on: leveraging audience research for content creation strategies, impact of audience preferences on marketing campaigns, key findings from the study on audience preferences, adapting strategies to meet changing audience demands, and best practices for enhancing audience engagement.
About the speaker

Matt Pierce


 - TechSmith

Matt is Learning & Video Ambassador at TechSmith

Video Viewer Trends Report

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Leveraging audience research for content creation strategies.
    Discussion on how marketing executives can effectively use the latest audience insights.
  • 05:15
    Impact of audience preferences on marketing campaigns.
    Exploring how understanding audience behaviors leads to more targeted marketing efforts.
  • 10:45
    Key findings from the study on audience preferences.
    Insights shared from the recent study on what audiences want from creators and how it applies to marketing.
  • 15:20
    Adapting strategies to meet changing audience demands.
    Exploring emerging trends and shifts in audience preferences and how marketing executives should adjust.
  • 20:10
    Best practices for enhancing audience engagement.
    Recommendations from the study to drive better results in marketing campaigns.


  • "if YouTube as a platform is your priority, start with a long form, kind of 16 by nine horizontal content, repurpose it into vertical." - Matt Pierce

  • "If you're looking to get into LinkedIn and video, this is actually a great time because a lot of open space there." - Matt Pierce

  • "Any motion graphic you do should have a purpose, should have value, should be adding to the message, adding to the thing that you want to have happen at the end of that video." - Matt Pierce

  • “What this year's study says is that a lot of people for informational and instructional videos, just to be again, clarifying that this is not entertainment, the majority of the people, so 24% of the people actually said 10 to 19 minutes was the preferred length.” - Matt Pierce

About the speaker

Matt Pierce


 - TechSmith

Matt is Learning & Video Ambassador at TechSmith

Video Viewer Trends Report
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