The Original 25 Sales Hacks
Chad Burmeister
ScaleX, Inc.

Chad is the CEO of ScaleX, which is an agency that helps sales professionals increase revenue by focusing on the two things that matter in sales - increasing frequency and competency. The company has now rebranded to
Learn More- Part 1 The Original 25 Sales Hacks
- Part 2How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Sales
Show Notes
“My underground is BS in Marketing so I always thought I wanted to be a creative marketer until I started looking out into the marketplace and understanding what the paycheck would look like for the first several years and that’s how I landed in the sales aspect.” -Chad“In today’s world, you cando so much more with less. In this marketplace around the pandemic that’s what being called forth. In the 2007 market crash, do more with less was the common theme that came from that. I think we are living in the same kind of environment.” -Chad“When I got to RingCentral, 3 or 4 years ago I took a team of 20 SDRs. They were traditional, they’d get a lead, email it 1 or 2 times and it would sit in dormant lead status, non-converted for months on end. It was a major pain.” -Chad“The execs came to me and ask how we can fix it, so I took a team of 28, down to 8. I re-deployed the other 20 to outbound and we made the 8 feel like they were 50. So we automated the email outreach program so the rep didn’t have to have an excuse. We brought a technologythat helped have way more conversations and increase the number of dials per lead dramatically.” -Chad“Imagine a calling lead once or twice, that’s because they only have a certain number of hours in a day, now imagine if you use a technology called Agent-Assisted Dialing, now you could call a lead 10 or 12 times and by that, we moved from an 8% conversion to an 18% conversion in the first 90 days that I got there.” -Chad“The touchpoint of conversations across the lead went up by a factor of 5 and 10X. Just by having more conversations with more of your leads you’d get a much higher conversion rate.” -Chad“What we learned in our 3 years of experience if trying all different tactics is, it’s better to have one Josh on the phone that to try to force-fit 9 other people who don’t actually do good on the phone. I’d rather use the technology to let the best person talk more than to try to force other people who aren’t skilled in that area.” -Chad“What we’ve been able to do with technology and AI is say, ‘Instead of giving me that list of 500 people or me going direct, let me looked at all the LinkedIn connections.’ so I have the 18,500 at this point which means that I have another 1.8 to 2 million second connections.” -Chad“Imagine you’re getting anemail from me and let’s say for a second that you’re connected directly to the CMO of Microsoft. If the AI can tell me who has the social proximity to the CMO of Microsoft and tell me beyond a reasonable doubt, you should go to Benjamin Shapiro first and Todd, second then when we email you with our pitch, lead you with a bit of relevancy, then ask for a favor, and we’re seeing through the use of AI that we can get 30 to 50 intros into that list of 500 accounts every single month on behalf of a seller or a marketer.” -Chad“I think with first-degree connections you can reach them directly. Also when you’re looking at 1.8 to 2 million and now you have to go look at all those profiles to figure out who is connected to your prospects that become just a much larger math problem.” -Chad“What’s interesting to me that highlights the overlap between sales and marketing is that in general mostly B2B, we’re doing a bunch more outbound emails and to me that makes email deliverability a real challenge.” -Ben “It’s by far the worst-performing channel that we’ve seen in the market today. Think about this, let’s just use RingCentral again. They’ve been around for more than 10 years which means that almost every Executive in a company, has gotten an email from them. Imagine you’re a CIO of a Fortune 2000, you’re going to click out at some point.” -Chad“Deliverability aside, think of the TAM based on an email-only strategy whereas if you move your messaging over to LinkedIn and you put a sequence in place, connectionrequests, LinkedIn Inmails, and sequence Step 1 -3 for example, they’ve not opted out from social on your communications. That’s how I found the person at RingCentral who was outperforming the team.” -Chad“When you embed a link to a video inside of the email? The open rates go up, the reply rates go up, .5% to 1% is pretty standard for an outbound email right now. I’ve seen 8%, 12%, 18% as if the more personal you are, to the role and when you out the video embed that has a picture of the website and LinkedIn, and the BDR’s name at the bottom? There is a massive lift in reply rates and open rates.” -Chad16:48 -Basic sales technique Chad gives to his team to follow “Recycle unqualified ‘No’s’, there is so much gold sitting there whether it’s an unconverted MQL, a downgraded opportunity, I tell you.” -Chad
- Part 1 The Original 25 Sales Hacks
- Part 2How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Sales
Chad Burmeister
ScaleX, Inc.

Chad is the CEO of ScaleX, which is an agency that helps sales professionals increase revenue by focusing on the two things that matter in sales - increasing frequency and competency. The company has now rebranded to
Learn MoreUp Next:
Part 1The Original 25 Sales Hacks
Today we're going to discuss the overlap between sales and technology. Joining us is Chad Burmeister, the CEO of ScaleX, which is an agency that helps sales professionals increase revenue by focusing on the two things that matter in sales - increasing frequency and competency. In part 1 of our conversation, we discuss the original 25 sales hacks.
Part 2How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Sales
Today we're going to discuss the overlap between sales and technology. Joining us is Chad Burmeister, the CEO of ScaleX, which is an agency that helps sales professionals increase revenue by focusing on the two things that matter in sales - increasing frequency and competency. In part 2 of our conversation, we discuss how artificial intelligence is changing sales.
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