The future of marketing measurement

Co-Founder at Mutinex, Henry Innis, delves into the future of marketing measurement. In this episode, Henry shares insights on marketing measurement, evaluating marketing channels, predictive analytics,dark social and a host of other subjects.
About the speaker

Henry Innis


 - Mutinex

Henry is Co-Founder at Mutinex

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Utilizing data to drive marketing decisions.
    Discussion on how data analysis can inform marketing strategies and decision-making processes.
  • 05:15
    Leveraging predictive analytics for audience targeting.
    Exploring the benefits of predictive analytics in targeting specific audiences for marketing campaigns.
  • 10:45
    Implementing privacy compliant marketing measurement models.
    Insights into how generalized models can offer privacy-compliant approaches for audience targeting.
  • 15:20
    Successful implementation of generalized models in marketing.
    Examples of companies that have effectively utilized generalized models for marketing measurement.


  • “MMM solutions in legacy market research companies are pretty slow, pretty horrific, and pretty inaccurate.” - Henry Innis

  • “Multi-touch attribution, it's not that it doesn't work, it's that it's meant to be used to optimize customer journeys, not marketing investment.” - Henry Innis

  • “Predictive analytics gets worse the further you go out.” - Henry Innis

  • “Hard to track is really the quintessential problem of why marketing is getting less effective.” - Henry Innis

  • Who you take market share from is not who you will lose market share to in MarTech.” - Henry Innis

About the speaker

Henry Innis


 - Mutinex

Henry is Co-Founder at Mutinex

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