Maximizing customer empathy with product design — Mattia Santin // Hotjar

Mattia Santin, Chief Marketing Officer at Hotjar, explores elevating product design through customer empathy. Quantitative data provides a broad overview of customer behavior, while qualitative data sheds light on the "why" behind their actions. Leveraging both signals, allows for a more empathetic approach, ensuring that design decisions address real-world customer concerns, ultimately leading to a more user-centric product. Today, Mattia discusses maximizing customer empathy with product design.
About the speaker

Mattia Santin


 - Hotjar

Mattia is Chief Marketing Officer at Hotjar

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Show Notes


  • "There are a lot of tools out there to give you a lot of information about product analytics and customer analytics. But to really find out the why behind numbers, thats what the ambition for Hotjar is." - Mattia Santin

  • "Going one level deeper in observing user actions, clicks, and engaging with them through surveys and feedback fosters empathy-driven, customer-centric data analysis." - Mattia Santin

  • "Heat map recordings offer directional cues, but true understanding comes from connected insights. Integrating feedback, interviews, and multi-tool analysis amplifies the ability to drive effective design changes." - Mattia Santin

  • "The tool is extremely powerful, the data is extremely powerful, but it's the action that you take that will dictate the results." - Mattia Santin

About the speaker

Mattia Santin


 - Hotjar

Mattia is Chief Marketing Officer at Hotjar

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