How to develop a Retargeting Audience — Daniel Daines-Hutt // Inbound Ascension

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Today we discuss how to maximize your marketing spend through retargeting. Joining us is Daniel Daines-Hutt, Founder of Amp My Content and Inbound Ascension, which are marketing agencies that specialize in traffic generation and retargeting. In part 1 of our conversation, Daniel is going to tell us how he recommends you develop a retargeting audience.
About the speaker

Daniel Daines-Hutt

Inbound Ascension

 - Inbound Ascension

Daniel is the Founder of Amp My Content and Inbound Ascension, which are marketing agencies that specialize in traffic generation and retargeting.

Show Notes

  • Daniels Background and Work Experience (02:09)
    We had a clothing company that didnt do very well so we ended up selling it. That experience made us learn about marketing online and that's how we got into the retargeting business.
About the speaker

Daniel Daines-Hutt

Inbound Ascension

 - Inbound Ascension

Daniel is the Founder of Amp My Content and Inbound Ascension, which are marketing agencies that specialize in traffic generation and retargeting.

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