Facebook Week: Creative Tips & Matching Ad Formats to your Funnel — Akvile DeFazio // Akvertise

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Facebook Week: Creative Tips & Matching Ad Formats to your Funnel - Akvile DeFazio // Akvertise
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Welcome to Facebook Week on the MarTech podcast. Each day this week, we are going to publish an episode that discusses what you need to know about launching, scaling and optimizing your brand's presence on Facebook. Joining us is Akvile DeFazio, the president of AKvertise - a social media advertising agency that assists clients by reaching their target audiences. Today we discuss creative tips and matching ad formats to your funnel.
About the speaker

Akvile DeFazio


 - Akvertise

Akvile is the President of AKvertise - a social media advertising agency that assists clients by reaching their target audiences.

Show Notes

  • Reaching The Right Audience With The Right Message (02:18)
    Once you get down to the ad level and start creating the ad copy, put yourself in the potential customer shoes and see if it relates to that audience.
About the speaker

Akvile DeFazio


 - Akvertise

Akvile is the President of AKvertise - a social media advertising agency that assists clients by reaching their target audiences.

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