CRO Case Study: Going From Site Visitor to Customer — Justin Christianson // Conversion Fanatics

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CRO Case Study: Going From Site Visitor to Customer -- Justin Christianson // Conversion Fanatics
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Today we're going to work through a case study with Justin Christianson, co-founder of Conversion Fanatics, a conversion rate optimization agency that works with the likes of Hertz, PayPal and Burt's Bees. In our last conversation, Justin walked us through his methodology for conversion rate optimization, how he works with some of his clients, and a little bit about the toolkit that he applies. Today we're going to ask Justin to work through a real world example of how to apply his conversion rate methodology to a startup that I started years ago called
About the speaker

Justin Christianson

Conversion Fanatics

 - Conversion Fanatics

Justin is a Co-Founder of Conversion Fanatics, which is a conversion rate optimization agency that works with the likes of Hertz, PayPal and Burt's Bees.

Show Notes

  • Benjamin: Welcome back to the MarTech podcast. This podcast is sponsored by Searchmetrics Searchmetrics sets the standard for innovation and the content and search engine optimization industry. This support businesses who care about understanding both how to use content as a marketing channel and how to improve their organic ranking. In Google, if you're an enterprise level marketer, the Searchmetrics suite of software and services will help you optimize your existing content, help you understand what topics you need to cover next, and help you ensure that your writers produce effective content. There are billions of google searches happening everyday and Searchmetrics gets your stories to the top. Okay.
    Benjamin : Today we're going to talk about the complex topic of conversion rate optimization, also known as Cro. With us today is Justin Christianson, who is the CO founder of Conversion Fanatics, which is a full service conversion rate optimization agency that is work with companies like Hertz, paypal, and burt's bees. In this episode, Justin's going to walk us through his approach to creating an effective conversion rate optimization plan. Here's the first part of our interview with Justin Christianson from Conversion Fanatics. Justin, welcome to the MarTech podcast. It's great to have you here.
About the speaker

Justin Christianson

Conversion Fanatics

 - Conversion Fanatics

Justin is a Co-Founder of Conversion Fanatics, which is a conversion rate optimization agency that works with the likes of Hertz, PayPal and Burt's Bees.

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    Part 2CRO Case Study: Going From Site Visitor to Customer — Justin Christianson // Conversion Fanatics

    Today we're going to work through a case study with Justin Christianson, co-founder of Conversion Fanatics, a conversion rate optimization agency that works with the likes of Hertz, PayPal and Burt's Bees. In our last conversation, Justin walked us through his methodology for conversion rate optimization, how he works with some of his clients, and a little bit about the toolkit that he applies. Today we're going to ask Justin to work through a real world example of how to apply his conversion rate methodology to a startup that I started years ago called