Building a Data Tool 101 — David Finkelstein // BDEX

David Finkelstein, CEO of BDEX, discusses the overlap of data, privacy, marketing and technology. Building a data application nowadays is much easier than it was in the past with no code services and other available technology. In fact, building a data tool really boils down to networking to find the resources to manipulate the data in ways that are useful to your business. Today, David talks about building a data tool.
About the speaker

David Finkelstein



David is the CEO of BDEX

Show Notes

  • 03:02
    Where to start when building a data tool
    Depending on the use case, the process starts with having access to some form of identity data for your audience. With that data, the identity graph can be used to identify those consumers across other media.
  • 08:34
    Data and identity graphs
    Identity graphs allow you to connect the dots between a consumers identity and their email address, IP address, etc. As a result, you understand who the consumer is across all their touchpoints.
  • 11:20
    Identity graph challenges
    IP addresses change frequently, so identity graphs have to constantly update. To ensure accuracy, its about identifying which one truly ties back to the consumers household.
  • 13:19
    How BDEX figures out who an IP address belongs to
    BDEX can look at an IP address and figure out if its a household IP address. In the case where it isnt a household IP address, there's a set of algorithms that have to be applied to that data.
  • 15:54
    Recommendations for building your own data infrastructure
    First, figure out what your intention is for the data. Then it comes down to what resources youll need, where youll be housing the data and how much data volume youll be expecting.
  • 19:01
    Leveraging business intelligence for better communication with your audience
    Using all the business intelligence youve built through data collection, that can be used to segment your audience. And that segmentation will enable you to reach the right people with your communication.
  • 22:04
    How to build a data tool as a non
    No code services are available for people who want to build a database and an application. Theres also the option of reaching out to your network when the skills arent available in-house.


  • "What we have to do as an identity graph is, we have to know which IP address ties back to your household and isnt linked to a thousand other people that have gone to the same Starbucks in the last week." -David Finkelstein, CEO, BDEX

  • "In most cases, if we see an IP address, we can tell pretty quickly if it's a household IP address. This makes it really easy for us to identify who this is." -David Finkelstein, CEO, BDEX

  • "Somewhere between 30% and 40% of the data that comes into our platform is tied to a bot, click farm, or ad fraud system that is generating data and making it look like real people." -David Finkelstein, CEO, BDEX

  • "By taking all the business intelligence youve built, you'll be able to leverage it to further segment your audience so you can reach the right people for any communications that you want to send out to them." -David Finkelstein, CEO, BDEX

  • "There's a lot of new technology out there that they call no code services where they say you don't need to know any code to be able to build a database and build an application." -David Finkelstein, CEO, BDEX

  • "I've always just reached out to my network when I've been in these situations where we're trying to build something, but we don't have the in-house skill set to do it." -David Finkelstein, CEO, BDEX

  • "There are millions of programmers out there. But, it's always difficult to find someone that will see the vision the same way you do. So, it's important to find someone you can connect with first." -David Finkelstein, CEO, BDEX

About the speaker

David Finkelstein



David is the CEO of BDEX

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