Why Email at 10 am is bullsh*t — Kate Adams // Validity

Kate Adams, SVP of Marketing at Validity, talks about the wild and wonderful world of email marketing. Research suggests that the best time for email marketing is 10 AM, but it's essential to consider your target audience's habits and schedule to determine the most effective time for them to receive your email. For instance, busy moms or night shift workers may not be checking their inboxes at 10 AM. Today, Kate discusses why email at 10 AM is bullshit.
About the speaker

Kate Adams


 - Validity

Kate is the SVP of Marketing at Validity

See your Sender Score

Show Notes

  • 02:29
    Why sending emails at 10 AM is bullshit
    Blindly following "proven" strategies without considering the specific needs and behaviors of one's own target audience can be harmful to your marketing efforts. There is no single "golden rule" in marketing, as success depends on a multitude of factors.
  • 05:22
    Why email timing matters
    Validity has a product that delivers emails to the recipient when they are actively engaged in their inbox, leading to a 50% increase in engagement. This is achieved by knowing when the person has their mail app open and is only available for certain mailbox providers.
  • 08:14
    How Validity determines when a person is active in their inbox
    Validity gets a data feed of when the user is active in their inbox. Then, they can determine that they want to release the email at that time for improved engagement.
  • 09:16
    The impact of spam complaints on email marketing
    Spam complaints, which notify the mailbox provider that the sender is not relevant, are the new measure of email relevance. Marketers should be worried about spam complaints because they have no visibility into them and don't know how recipients are viewing their emails.
  • 12:07
    Actionable tips to ensure emails are received and stand out
    Marketers can place opt-out links at the top of emails to improve engagement rates and signal their reputation to the mailbox provider. In addition, the preference center can be used to collect customer feedback and improve customer experience.


  • "The one golden rule of marketing is that nothing works for everybody. There are no absolutes in marketing." -Kate Adams, SVP of Marketing, Validity

  • "A component of our product enables you to deliver your mail into the inbox of the person when they're actively engaging in their inbox. Those emails see a 50% lift in engagement during that time." -Kate Adams, SVP of Marketing, Validity

  • "Opt-outs are so 2000s. The new opt out of today is the spam complaint." -Kate Adams, SVP of Marketing, Validity

  • "It's not opt-outs that should be keeping marketers up at night. It's the spam complaints that they don't know about." -Kate Adams, SVP of Marketing, Validity

  • "We put the opt-out link at the top of our emails, making it just as prominent as the spam button that the mailbox provider sends them. Because I want to know if they want out," -Kate Adams, SVP of Marketing, Validity

  • "Dust off your preference center, that thing that you had some low-level engineer build for you back in 1998. And let somebody actually tell you what they want to hear about." -Kate Adams, SVP of Marketing, Validity

  • "I'm really excited by AMP, the language that is taking place in Google right now. And how it's enabling you to actually build dynamic email messages for folks." -Kate Adams, SVP of Marketing, Validity

About the speaker

Kate Adams


 - Validity

Kate is the SVP of Marketing at Validity

See your Sender Score
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