Profiting from podcast — Steve Olsher // Podcast Magazine

In our second episode with Steve, we discuss building influence and bringing them in the monetization net, the value of a core visibility strategy instead of spreading yourself thin in different channels and developing relationships with other icons as the most cost-efficient path to building profitable influence in the podcast.
About the speaker

Steve Olsher

Podcast Magazine

 - Podcast Magazine

Steve Olsher is 30+ year entrepreneur, Founder/Editor-In-Chief of Podcast Magazine, original Founder of (exited to IAC), creator of The New Media Summit and PodXpo, host of the top-rated podcasts, Reinvention Radio and Beyond 8 Figures (sold to Call For Content), international keynote speaker, and in-demand strategic coach who helps businesses of all sizes leverage the power of new media to generate visibility, leads and revenue on auto-pilot.

Show Notes


  • “It’s definitely a struggle that a lot of podcasters have. It’s a matter of I want to have a following but I can’t have a following unless I have a following, it’s that old game. It’s all about elevated status and it takes place one tiny step at a time. If you want to build a skyscraper you gotta build that thing one floor at a time.” - Steve“What it all begins with is answering this fundamental question of what conversation do you most want to be part of. You have to be able to answer that question and nail that down.” - Steve“The goal is for our names to come up in that conversation even when we are not in the room. The idea of building influence, of building reach, of getting to the point of being in those conversations really begins by understanding what that conversation is and then connecting with people who are already in that conversation and creating your own unique framework and offers that add value who want to be in that conversation as well.” - Steve“This is really semantics. The idea here is, whatever your personal brand is, it has to be intertwined with the market that you really want to make your dentin. So, when  you think about it from a standpoint of ‘Who am I?’, it should be something that is in of itself a brand but it also represents the market, like almost interchangeable.” - Steve“I’ll just say that from my experience, the first thing that people need to take a look at is very simple, ‘Is it crystal clear, based on the personal brand that you’ve developed, what market it is that you are particularly focused on. That question is so fundamental but is so disjointed across the board.” - Steve“A great way to think about it is if you think about a bicycle wheel and how the wheel has all of these spokes and the spokes connect to a central hub. One of the things that you really want to start thinking about in terms of what you’re trying to achieve is becoming that hub of the wheel so that the various pieces of the vertical connect to you and help to reinforce your expertise and status as an influence in your respective niche.” - Steve“When you start looking at building your influence you have to look at who are the players that operate within your vertical and what can you create that supports your desire to be that icon in your niche but also represents your blue ocean of opportunity where it’s not just this huge crowded market of blood in the water or where the red ocean lies. That’s how you build influence, become the hub of the wheel.” - Steve“Most people, especially the solopreneurs out there are trying to do too many things. So what I believe to be true and what we teach is focused on, one, core visibility strategy and the problem is, so many people out there are just trying to leverage all of these shiny objects, these different platforms and they’re just spreading themselves too thin.” - Steve“If you think about the people that are going to benefit most from your expertise, it’s super important to begin thinking about how can you most easily access the places where they gather. What I would really encourage you to do is to develop the relationships with the other icons and influence in that particular niche who already controls the eyes, the ears, the hearts of the people that you are most compelled to serve and you want to reach. Ultimately, that is going to be your fastest path to cash in the most cost-effective means possible. Find the gatekeepers and do what you’re able to do with them.” - Steve

About the speaker

Steve Olsher

Podcast Magazine

 - Podcast Magazine

Steve Olsher is 30+ year entrepreneur, Founder/Editor-In-Chief of Podcast Magazine, original Founder of (exited to IAC), creator of The New Media Summit and PodXpo, host of the top-rated podcasts, Reinvention Radio and Beyond 8 Figures (sold to Call For Content), international keynote speaker, and in-demand strategic coach who helps businesses of all sizes leverage the power of new media to generate visibility, leads and revenue on auto-pilot.

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