How We Beat Our Podcast Download Goal by 50% (Month 2 Update)

Today your host, Benjamin Shapiro, is giving us an update on how the MarTech podcast has been grown in its first two months and how the show beat its goal of 1,000 downloads per month by 50%. He'll walk through the marketing channels and data used to understand why and how the MarTech podcast has grown.
About the speaker

Benjamin Shapiro

benjshap LLC

 - benjshap LLC

Benjamin is an omnichannel marketer that specializes Brand Development and Growth Strategy for technology companies.

  • Part 1 How We Beat Our Podcast Download Goal by 50% (Month 2 Update)

Show Notes

  • Benjamin: Hello, marketers, and welcome back to the Mar Tech Podcast. It's just you and me today. In today's episode, I want to give you an update on how the show has evolved in our first two months of production, how we're tracking to our goals, and how we're putting some of the learnings that we've gathered from our first few episodes into practice.
    Benjamin: We're now six hours away from wrapping up the second full month of production of this podcast, and with the hopes of helping you learn as much about marketing as possible, we're gonna go fully open kimono, and share a bunch of data with you that we've collected thus far. For those of you who are new to the podcast, at the end of the first month of production, I said that my goal for launching this show was to reach 10,000 downloads per month. At the end of the first month of this show, we had been downloaded 344 times. Obviously, we were pretty far away from our goal, but we had reason to be optimistic, because the weekly growth rate for the show was consistently scaling. That said, at the end of last month, I said that the goal for this month would be to reach 1,000 downloads, so how did we do?
  • Part 1 How We Beat Our Podcast Download Goal by 50% (Month 2 Update)
About the speaker

Benjamin Shapiro

benjshap LLC

 - benjshap LLC

Benjamin is an omnichannel marketer that specializes Brand Development and Growth Strategy for technology companies.

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    Part 1How We Beat Our Podcast Download Goal by 50% (Month 2 Update)

    Today your host, Benjamin Shapiro, is giving us an update on how the MarTech podcast has been grown in its first two months and how the show beat its goal of 1,000 downloads per month by 50%. He'll walk through the marketing channels and data used to understand why and how the MarTech podcast has grown.