What is MarTech today?

Today we discuss the evolution of the Martech industry and some of the trends that are happening in the space. Joining us is Scott Brinker, who is the VP of Platform Ecosystems at HubSpot. He’s also the Editor and Creator of Chief Marketing Technologist Blog and Founding Program Chair at the MarTech conference.
About the speaker

Scott Brinker


 - Hubspot

Scott is the VP of Platform Ecosystems at Hubspot, the Founding Program Chair of the MarTech Conference, and the Editor of the Chief MarTec blog.

  • Part 1 What is MarTech today?

Show Notes

  • What is MarTech (02:48)
    MarTech is pretty much any technology we use in the service of marketing. Whats interesting is that weve gone through an evolution where for years nobody knew what MarTech is. And then over the past five years, weve started to get the emergence of a class of marketing technologists.
  • Part 1 What is MarTech today?
About the speaker

Scott Brinker


 - Hubspot

Scott is the VP of Platform Ecosystems at Hubspot, the Founding Program Chair of the MarTech Conference, and the Editor of the Chief MarTec blog.

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  • Current Podcast

    Part 1What is MarTech today?

    Today we discuss the evolution of the Martech industry and some of the trends that are happening in the space. Joining us is Scott Brinker, who is the VP of Platform Ecosystems at HubSpot. He’s also the Editor and Creator of Chief Marketing Technologist Blog and Founding Program Chair at the MarTech conference.