Why Knowledge Friction is the top issue for salespeople — Chris Mahl // Pryon

Chris Mahl, President and COO at Pyron, explores addressing knowledge friction with AI. Closing the gap between people and knowledge is beneficial to improving customer service, organizational efficiency, and increasing revenue. With AI technology, we now have the opportunity to close that gap by having natural language conversations with our organization’s collective knowledge. Today, Chris discusses why Knowledge Friction is the top issue for salespeople.
About the speaker

Chris Mahl


 - Pryon

Chris is President and COO at Pyron

Show Notes

  • 03:12
    How Pyrons knowledge fabric technology enables multilingual conversations
    Companies grant Pyron access to their content, the technology ingests the content and builds a knowledge fabric. The conversational AI models have a translation front end and pull answers from the fabric, sending them back to the user in the original language the question was asked.
  • 06:44
    How Pyrons knowledge fabric adapts to diverse platforms
    The AI system connects to existing platforms with an API and permission, ingesting information to create a secure knowledge fabric. The system interfaces with channels like chatbots and Slack, feeding channel data back into the knowledge fabric to enhance its richness over time.
  • 11:04
    The future of websites and conversational AI
    More sophisticated conversational interfaces will replace traditional chatbots. The focus on natural language and higher-order thinking will enable users to articulate complex queries, unlocking a more nuanced interaction compared to the limitations of current chatbot technology.
  • 15:38
    Indicators for implementing knowledge fabric
    Signs of disillusionment and frustration from users navigating the site can signal the need for a change. Pryon Labs offers a quick and cost-effective way for firms to test and implement a knowledge fabric, providing the ROI calculation and demonstrating the immediate benefits of this approach.


  • "We plug in behind chatbots, and we take them from giving the right answers 30% to 40% of the time to nearly 90%." - Chris Mahl

  • "Were the first folks to do an AI knowledge bot, And we have them live on huge Fortune 10 sites where they have millions of customers go on the sites." - Chris Mahl

  • "In the near future, chatbots won't suffice. We're moving beyond the linear, rules-based nature of current chatbots to embrace a more effective and natural language, conversational interface." - Chris Mahl

  • "Knowledge fabrics are a reality today, not just a vision for the future. The technology is here, offering tangible benefits for your business."- Chris Mahl

About the speaker

Chris Mahl


 - Pryon

Chris is President and COO at Pyron

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