Using AI to address knowledge friction — Chris Mahl // Pryon

Chris Mahl, President and COO at Pyron, explores addressing knowledge friction with AI. In today's digital age, the vast wealth of information within organizations often remains out of reach, causing a sense of frustration. This phenomenon, known as knowledge friction, represents the distance between what individuals need to know and their ability to access that information for effective action. Today, Chris discusses using AI to address knowledge friction.
About the speaker

Chris Mahl


 - Pryon

Chris is President and COO at Pyron

Show Notes

  • 02:25
    The challenges of knowledge friction
    Knowledge friction is the distance between what we need to know and the ability to access that information, causing frustration in organizations. The intelligence embedded in systems is often obscured by “computer speak”, creating a barrier for users trying to extract valuable insights.
  • 07:22
    Negative impacts of high knowledge friction in marketing and sales
    High knowledge friction on our websites leads to customer confusion and a lack of fluidity in the experience and interaction with the brand. Consequences include misinformation, dated content, and customer frustration with the difficulty of finding the information they need.
  • 11:08
    Improving information accessibility beyond website structure
    The current modality relies on website structures and Google's search index, creating a fragmented experience. The shift towards conversational fluency, facilitated by a knowledge fabric and AI, offers users a natural language format to access and verify information.
  • 13:06
    Redefining information accessibility with a knowledge fabric
    The knowledge fabric simplifies the complex technology stack between users and information, focusing on a conversational layer for natural language interaction. It consolidates a companys content from multiple sources into a unified, conversational layer, transforming the way users retrieve information.
  • 15:51
    Interacting with the knowledge layer
    Users can interact with the knowledge layer by talking to it. The system uses a confidence-ranking approach to provide instant, accurate answers with attribution, allowing users to ask rich, specific questions and answers without compromising data privacy.


  • "The beauty of the digital world is that all the information is there, verifiable, and has veracity. But it's locked down in systems not designed to work with your information." - Chris Mahl

  • "How can you do whats best for a two-year-old or 60-year-old? Let them ask questions and get natural language answers with attribution out of your great content. The knowledge fabric is a single version of doing that." - Chris Mahl

  • "Our systems do not train on your data. Our models were built on what's called an extractive layer of truth AI. We'll only put together your information, and then we're going to blend it into the knowledge fabric." - Chris Mahl

  • "Knowledge friction is the distance between what I need to know and the ability to know that so I can act accordingly." - Chris Mahl

About the speaker

Chris Mahl


 - Pryon

Chris is President and COO at Pyron

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