Building a quality email list — Emily McGuire // AWeber

Emily McGuire, Customer Evangelist at AWeber, discusses email list-building tactics and must know email marketing strategies. Email is one of the most important channels for brands to excel at as it keeps you in front of your customers. Yet, many brands try to take shortcuts to grow their email list quickly but end up wasting time on leads that aren’t the most qualified for their offering. Today, Emily talks about building a quality email list.
About the speaker

Emily McGuire


 - AWeber

Emily is Customer Evangelist at AWeber

Show Notes

  • 02:11
    Building a quality email list
    People need to be given a reason or incentive to sign up for your email list. Incentivize their cooperation by providing access to guides, tips, opportunities, etc.
  • 03:39
    Using lead magnets to collect contact information
    A lead magnet gives potential customers access to a piece of content in exchange for their email address. People are generally more eager because it helps them to solve a pain point.
  • 04:43
    Special offer lead magnets
    You become a trusted advisor when you can provide a specific resource or value immediately. Address the most common pain points of your target audience with a valuable solution.
  • 06:01
    Qualifying leads via lead magnets
    Lead magnets help identify the most qualified people from your ideal audience. Once they do sign up, observe whether theyre engaging with emails and achieving the goals youve set.
  • 08:06
    Sender reputation and cold outreach
    Unsolicited messages can affect your ability to end up in peoples inboxes. Cold outreach is most successful when emails are hyper-targeted at the recipient, backed by public records.
  • 10:46
    Evaluating email list quality
    Look at engagement metrics like opens and clicks, the last time they visited your website, etc. Remove persons who arent engaging to avoid impacting your metrics and deliverability.


  • "Whether it's tips, tricks, guides, exclusive deals, or opportunities, what people get from being on your email list needs to be front and center." -Emily McGuire, Customer Evangelist, AWeber

  • "A piece of content or a quiz that addresses a particular pain point of your target audience is a gold mine. A lead magnet really makes people excited to give you their email address." -Emily McGuire, Customer Evangelist, AWeber

  • "Start thinking about where traffic is coming from using the most appropriate channel to promote your lead magnet. Your numbers may climb, but the people may not be the most qualified." -Emily McGuire, Customer Evangelist, AWeber

  • "If people arent excited about receiving your message, theyll mark you as spam. And that can affect your sender reputation, which impacts your ability to end up in the inbox." -Emily McGuire, Customer Evangelist, AWeber

About the speaker

Emily McGuire


 - AWeber

Emily is Customer Evangelist at AWeber

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