The benefits of multi-channel data clean rooms

CEO of BlueConic, Cory Munchbach, deep-dives into the benefits of multi-channel data clean rooms. In this episode, Cory discusses the notion and benefits of multi-channel data clean rooms. She delves into a cost benefit analysis as well.
About the speaker

Cory Munchbach


 - BlueConic

Cory is CEO of BlueConic

Show Notes

  • 00:00
    Preparation for the phase out of third party cookies
    Strategies employed by marketing executives to adapt to the changing landscape.
  • 02:15
    Risks and concerns of third party cookie dependence
    Discussion on the potential impact of losing third-party cookies on marketing efforts.
  • 04:45
    Emerging technologies to replace third party cookies
    Exploration of alternative methods and technologies to fill the tracking gap.
  • 07:20
    Maintaining consumer trust post third party cookies
    Strategies to gather data while ensuring consumer privacy and trust.
  • 09:10
    Impact on cross platform tracking and attribution models
    Adapting to the new environment for accurate measurement of marketing initiatives.


  • “Multi-channel clean room really is about the facilitation of second party data in particular.” - Cory Munchbach

  • “Your customers are on multiple channels. So you want to be able to bring data in from various sources.” - Cory Munchbach

  • “We wouldn't have clean rooms, if not for the need for creating separation between who can see what data.” - Cory Munchbach

About the speaker

Cory Munchbach


 - BlueConic

Cory is CEO of BlueConic

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