The State of AI Tooling

Head of Growth at Zuper, Rob Freedman, discusses the state of AI tooling in today’s world. In this conversation with MarTech Podcast host, Benjamin Sharpiro, Rob delves into his own understanding of Artificial intelligence and Zuper integrates AI in their operation,his opinion on the efficiency of AI, and other places AI can be used outside of content generation.
About the speaker

Rob Freedman


 - Zuper

Rob is the Head of Growth at Zuper

Free Trial of Zuper

Show Notes

  • 00:30
    Leveraging AI tools for strategic growth in SaaS.
    Discussion on how AI tools are used by SaaS companies to grow strategically, not just exponentially.
  • 10:15
    Transition from "grow at all costs" to sustainable growth.
    Exploring the shift in approach from aggressive growth to sustainable strategies in SaaS companies.
  • 20:45
    Balancing cost effective customer acquisition and retention.
    Insights on maintaining a balance between acquiring customers cost-effectively, ensuring predictable growth, and retaining customers


  • “A lot of marketers are drowning in data” - Rob Freedman

  • “We're not at the point where we can take the repurposed content that the AI has generated and then just push that live.” - Rob Freedman

  • “[AI] is the thing that is enabling us to do more with less.” - Rob Freedman

About the speaker

Rob Freedman


 - Zuper

Rob is the Head of Growth at Zuper

Free Trial of Zuper
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