The power of video bases research interview — Sharekh Shaikh // CleverX

Sharekh Shaikh, Founder of CleverX, delves into enhancing marketing research methods. Video interviews are invaluable tools in product and market research, offering deeper insights into consumer behavior and perceptions. Moreover, they allow researchers to uncover insights that may not be easily captured through traditional surveys or audio-only interviews. Today, Sharekh discusses using video for your product and market research.
About the speaker

Sharekh Shaikh


 - CleverX

Sharekh is Founder of CleverX

Show Notes

  • 02:39
    Overcoming the challenges of building a research platform
    Challenges include balancing supply and demand side growth. By learning from their mistakes and understanding marketplace dynamics to solve the cold start problem, CleverX has found product-market fit and a resilient business model.
  • 04:58
    CleverX and the advantages of video based research interviews
    CleverX provides a trustworthy and transparent alternative to LinkedIn, ensuring participants receive payment. The platform connects with calendars and various video conferencing tools, facilitating interviews, product testing, and more.
  • 07:36
    Moderated and unmoderated approaches in video based qualitative research
    Moderated product testing reveals participant microexpressions, unveiling sentiments towards industries, products, or services. Unmoderated testing involves observing participants as they independently explore a product to uncover any usability issues or areas of confusion.
  • 09:46
    AI and the future of video interviews
    AI integration in the future will analyze micro-expressions, suggest better questions, and derive inferences, enhancing data collection and interpretation. Voice poses a greater technological challenge due to variability in accents and vocabulary, making video data easier to analyze at scale.
  • 12:29
    AIs impact on biases in human behavior and market research
    Factors like the gender of the interviewer, mood of the participant, and even the season, influence the responses of participants. Bias is present in all human-involved research, and AI becoming powerful will simply catalyze how market research is conducted with people.


  • "Few people understand how to solve that cold start problem. But once you create that flywheel, marketplaces are one of the most resilient businesses in any macro environment." - Sharekh Shaikh

  • "There are two motivations for people to participate in any kind of qualitative research; money and wanting to know what new things people are working on." - Sharekh Shaikh

  • "Today, it's human to human where it's up to me how I interpret you giving me an answer. But having AI do that for you at scale is what the future looks like for video interviews." - Sharekh Shaikh

  • "Human research will not change even if AI becomes really powerful. AI is just going to catalyze how we conduct market research with people." - Sharekh Shaikh

About the speaker

Sharekh Shaikh


 - CleverX

Sharekh is Founder of CleverX

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