Navigating the future of marketing as cookies crumble

President of Gundir, Mike Gunderson, delves into the latest developments in marketing strategies in the wake of the crumbling cookie policy. In this episode, Miike highlights AI’s potential to fill the gap and explores alternative methods for reaching customers such as direct mail. He goes further to emphasize the importance of utilizing data and technology, while also balancing technology with brand building.
About the speaker

Mike Gunderson


 - Gundir

Mike is President of Gundir

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Show Notes

  • 02:46
    Projections on marketers as the cookie starts to crumble
    it's going to be really interesting in the next couple of years to kind of really see how all this ends up. There's a lot going on right now with AI and AI and marketing, especially.
  • 07:48
    How the cookie crumble affects large companies versus little ones
    Large companies clearly have the advantage, but small companies can leverage additional tools like Direct Mail to reach their target audience.
  • 10:06
    Speculations around what happens after the big rug is pulled out from under us when it comes to third party cookies?
    Companies are going to have to start relying on other sources in order to reach customers.
  • 12:53
    how are the big platforms going to be impacted by the change in data?
    A lot of that data is going to be available for them. And in the coming six months, eight months, they're going to find ways to monetize that data.


  • "Digital marketing is not going to go anywhere." - Mike Gunderson

  • "There's a lot going on right now with AI, and AI and marketing especially. " - Mike Gunderson

  • "You can't rely on [customers] coming up with what they want, if they don't know if it exists." - Mike Gunderson

  • "Large companies, if they're large, they've likely grown. And if they've grown, they've likely had some time to do that." - Jordan Koene

  • “That third party cookie is such a beautiful thing. I mean, it's brilliant. But I think consumers in general are getting fed up.” - Jordan Koene

About the speaker

Mike Gunderson


 - Gundir

Mike is President of Gundir

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