Leverage LinkedIn ads to build your pipeline
- Part 1 Leverage LinkedIn ads to build your pipeline
- Part 2Best martech to integrate with LinkedIn Ads
Show Notes
01:58Getting started with LinkedIn adsFirst, it's crucial to grasp how the platform operates. While similar to other advertising platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn has its nuances and potential pitfalls, but understanding these can help you avoid overspending and maximize your advertising budget effectively.
02:37Benchmarking LinkedIn campaign costs against other platformsLinkedIn ads are 2-3 times more expensive per click than Facebook ads when targeting B2B audiences in North America. However, the high quality of leads from LinkedIn can justify the cost for businesses with higher-value products and high customer lifetime value.
04:07Targeting on LinkedIn ads vs. other platformsWhile platforms like Facebook and Instagram recommend broader targeting, LinkedIns strength is its precise targeting options. The ability to define specific criteria upfront ensures that only the most qualified leads and ideal customers see your ads.
05:20Leveraging data to create warm audiencesUsing your own data allows you to reach warm audiences who are closer to making a purchasing decision and get results faster. To scale, incorporate LinkedIn's targeting capabilities for cold audiences to help nurture leads and expand warm audience segments over time.
07:25Recommendations for new advertisers on LinkedInIf you're not seeing conversions despite spending on LinkedIn ads, it's likely a sign of early-stage demand. Start with direct CTAs to gauge latent demand, and warm up audiences through cold targeting and retargeting for continued nurturing.
08:57Supplementing LinkedIn ads with cross channel marketingWhen supplementing LinkedIn ads with other marketing efforts, it's crucial to track not only direct conversions but also view-through conversions. These insights provide valuable information about the influence of LinkedIn ads across different channels.
10:24Addressing low click through rates on LinkedIn adsA low click-through rate often indicates a messaging issue. Testing different messaging and imagery can help identify what resonates with the audience, and adjusting the offer to provide more value or information before prompting action can improve click-through rates over time.
11:42Optimizing high performing ads on LinkedInFor an ad with a click-through rate above the minimum threshold, it's beneficial to prioritize it over other creatives within the campaign. LinkedIn's algorithm automatically allocates more impressions to top-performing ads, streamlining the process of maximizing ad performance.
12:32Nurturing leads and driving conversions on LinkedInTo move leads through the sales funnel on LinkedIn, start by targeting warm audiences such as past leads, or website visitors. Simultaneously, engage cold audiences to build familiarity and trust, ensuring your retargeting efforts resonate when they're ready to convert.
13:39Leveraging video to engage cold audiencesEngage cold audiences on LinkedIn with videos to build rapport and trust quickly compared to static images or text. Tailor the video content to address the audience's pain points or interests, and use retargeting to continue engaging those who have shown interest in the initial videos.
15:17Educating and converting a cold audienceConvert cold audiences with a phased approach focusing on the "know, like, and trust" stages. While a comprehensive video may generate initial leads, subsequent nurturing campaigns are vital to educate and build trust, ensuring higher-quality conversions in the long run.
16:45Remarketing strategies for LinkedIn campaignsTo maintain engagement and help prospects through the pipeline, remarket across multiple channels, including LinkedIn, Google, and Meta. Focus on providing a seamless and ungated content experience to maximize engagement and build trust at each stage of the funnel.
18:51Cost per acquisition for B2B transactions on LinkedIn adsCPAs vary widely depending on the business and its customer lifetime value. A CLTV over $10,000 makes LinkedIn Ads a potentially attractive option, but testing with a small budget is recommended to gauge the platform's effectiveness for your business.
19:47Optimizing cost per click on LinkedIn adsWhen building your campaigns, manually set the bid for cost per click significantly lower than LinkedIns recommended rate. This approach allows you to pay five to seven dollars a click rather than the $10 to $16 that others are paying.
"While LinkedIn ads are 2-3 times more expensive than Facebook ads, the quality of clocks is much higher than you could ever get from something like Facebook." - AJ Wilcox
"Facebook and Instagram ad experts suggest ditching targeting and relying on the system to find leads. However, LinkedIn allows precise definition upfront, ensuring ads only reach your ideal customers." - AJ Wilcox
"When you bring your own data, you're giving LinkedIn warm audiences. Warm audiences are going to be closer to making that decision than cold audiences, getting results faster." - AJ Wilcox
"The worst thing that can happen is we're asking too much too soon of people, and the demand is not ready to capture yet, we're still in the generation stage." - AJ Wilcox
"If you have a click-through rate on LinkedIn between 0.4% to 1%, you're doing great. Anything under that, it's most likely a messaging problem." - AJ Wilcox
- Part 1 Leverage LinkedIn ads to build your pipeline
- Part 2Best martech to integrate with LinkedIn Ads
Up Next:
Part 1Leverage LinkedIn ads to build your pipeline
AJ Wilcox, Founder of B2Linked, delves into leveraging LinkedIn ads for B2B growth. With its extensive network of professionals and robust targeting options, LinkedIn offers a unique opportunity to connect with decision-makers in your industry. Strategically crafting and deploying LinkedIn ad campaigns helps you reach your target audience, generate quality leads, and nurture them through the sales funnel. Today, AJ discusses how you can leverage LinkedIn ads to build your pipeline.
Part 2Best martech to integrate with LinkedIn Ads
AJ Wilcox, Founder of B2Linked, delves into leveraging LinkedIn ads for B2B growth. Streamlining lead capture and audience management are crucial aspects of maximizing your return on investment (ROI) with LinkedIn Ads. Martech integrations offer powerful solutions to these challenges. Today, AJ discusses the best martech to integrate with your LinkedIn ads.
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