Integrating marketing into Field Ops — Rob Freedman // Zuper

Rob Freedman, Head of Growth at Zuper, talks about how SaaS companies are leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to not just grow exponentially, but strategically. Field Ops provides businesses with the unique opportunity to engage in one-to-one marketing by tapping into individual customer interactions. Through field service technicians, companies can gather valuable feedback, personalize marketing efforts, and deliver targeted messaging to drive customer loyalty and revenue. Today, Rob discusses integrating marketing into field ops.
About the speaker

Rob Freedman


 - Zuper

Rob is the Head of Growth at Zuper

Free Trial of Zuper

Show Notes

  • 02:26
    Field Ops and its relevance in marketing
    Field Ops refers to field service technicians who work in industries such as HVAC, plumbing, etc, and provide services to customers at home. They are relevant to marketing because they are an untapped source of revenue growth and marketing for their companies.
  • 03:53
    Leveraging Field Ops for non traditional home based services
    Tools like Zooper enable businesses to automate scheduling, dispatching, and customer communication and provide customers with an Uber-like experience. Customers stay updated on the progress of the service without the need for intrusive phone calls or interruptions.
  • 05:11
    Driving revenue through Field Ops triggers
    Field ops triggers can drive revenue by appropriately timing customer satisfaction surveys upon work completion. Field ops representatives can identify up-selling opportunities, and opportunities to expand, in addition to automating triggers for special offers.
  • 06:24
    Leveraging NPS feedback to drive positive customer experiences
    By identifying negative experiences through NPS scores, businesses can proactively manage customer experiences and avoid bad reviews. Businesses can empower field technicians with ways to resolve those issues in person and drive customer loyalty, leading to repeat business.
  • 07:07
    How to surprise and delight customers
    By leveraging tools to empower technicians to anticipate and address future customer needs, you can surprise and delight customers while elevating your service level. For example, offering discounts for additional services while the technician is on-site creates a win-win scenario.
  • 08:51
    How Zooper empowers service excellence
    Zupers workflows and customized checklists ensure all required actions and customer specifications are met before job completion. It can also send reminders and notifications to ensure field workers follow the necessary steps in the correct order.


  • "Field Ops are the people who are facing your customer and often an untapped source of revenue growth and marketing for their companies." -Rob Freedman, Head of Growth, Zuper

  • "Right now, a small business can give that Uber-like experience to their customer right there through a tool like Zooper." -Rob Freedman, Head of Growth, Zuper

  • "Predicting and anticipating what your customer's next need is before they even know it and addressing it is the way to surprise and delight your customer, and take the service to a whole other level." -Rob Freedman, Head of Growth, Zuper

About the speaker

Rob Freedman


 - Zuper

Rob is the Head of Growth at Zuper

Free Trial of Zuper

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