Why marketers need to start gathering psychographic data about customer intent

Tim Glomb, VP of Content, Data, and AI at Wunderkind, delves into the importance of gathering psychographic data about customer intent.
About the speaker

Tim Glomb


 - Wunderkind

Tim is VP of Content, Data, and AI at Wunderkind

Show Notes

  • 00:00
    Introduction to the importance of psychographic data in marketing.
    Discussion on the significance of psychographic data and its role in enhancing customer insights.
  • 02:15
    Challenges in applying intent data successfully.
    Exploration of the difficulties marketers face in effectively utilizing intent data.
  • 04:45
    Utilizing psychographic data for successful marketing campaigns.
    Examples of campaigns leveraging psychographic data to achieve tangible results and enhance customer engagement.


  • " At the end of the day, marketers are trying to persuade people, and we can't forget about that." - Tim Glomb

  • "We track 9 billion consumer devices and oversee 2 trillion digital events." - Tim Glomb

  • "Surveys are excellent and they work in the B2C and B2B world fairly well." - Tim Glomb

  • "We have a small, what we'll call the Uber engaged audience at the Wunderkind marketing list. About 20% of our marketing list will open every single email we send, no matter what the title is, the topic, doesn't matter, they'll open it. " - Tim Glomb

  • "Owned channels are the most efficient and impactful way to drive revenue and sales when you're trying to market" - Tim Glomb

  • “Email is the number one channel for driving revenue when it goes digital. [...] Beats banner ads, beats everything else by a ton.” - Tim Glomb

About the speaker

Tim Glomb


 - Wunderkind

Tim is VP of Content, Data, and AI at Wunderkind

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