Are your leads humans or bots? — Alex Makarski //

Alex Makarski, Founder of, explores why collecting more of the right kind of data is crucial for winning with AI models. While there are ways to mitigate the impact of bots, it's difficult to completely exclude them. Therefore, it's crucial to have a reliable validation mechanism to ensure you’re feeding the ad network algorithms clean and reliable conversion data. Today, Alex discusses whether your leads are humans or bots.
About the speaker

Alex Makarski


Alex is the Founder of

Show Notes

  • 02:48
    How to determine if your leads are human or bots
    Companies need to know their customers and build a probabilistic process to evaluate incoming leads with some level of confidence. In addition, companies should avoid reporting a fixed value for each lead, as it could mistrain ad networks to look for the easiest targets.
  • 05:41
    Strategies for ensuring lead quality and improving campaign efficiency
    Methods include a human verification process before deploying a conversion event and building if-this-then-that rules into the conversion process. Also, an in-house machine learning model based on historical and CRM data can train networks to understand the value of different leads.
  • 07:20
    Techniques to deter bots and click farms from polluting your lead data
    Structure your intake forms in a way that requires specific knowledge that only your ideal customer profile (ICP) possesses. Additionally, requesting a business email address instead of a personal email immediately elevates the quality of leads received.
  • 09:32
    Structuring intake forms to improve lead quality and deter bad leads
    You can use binary questions to filter out bad-quality leads, or drop-down options that are less likely to be selected by bots. While Honeypots, which are invisible form fields designed to catch bots used to work, bots have become smarter and can avoid them now.
  • 11:28
    The importance of validation mechanisms in multi channel advertising campaigns
    Nowadays, if you choose any type of conversion objective, it becomes a multi-channel campaign. As a result, it's essential to have a validation mechanism in place to filter out junk traffic.


  • "You don't necessarily need to understand who the bots are. You just want to make sure you don't give Google, Facebook, or whatever you're running on, a dog treat when they give you a crappy lead." -Alex Makarski, Founder,

  • "Maybe you're requiring that they use a business email address instead of their personal Gmail, Hotmail, etc. Something like that immediately improves the quality of the leads are coming in." -Alex Makarski, Founder,

  • "I feel bots are getting better at cracking CAPTCHAs than humans are. The only deterrent there is there's a non-zero cost to cracking a CAPTCHA. But that cost is dramatically going down." -Alex Makarski, Founder,

  • "I feel bots are getting better at cracking CAPTCHAs than humans are. The only deterrent there is there's a non-zero cost to cracking a CAPTCHA. But that cost is dramatically going down." -Alex Makarski, Founder,

  • "Bots have become much smarter. They can actually figure out what the page would look like and avoid the honeypots now." -Alex Makarski, Founder,

About the speaker

Alex Makarski


Alex is the Founder of

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