Using MarTech tools for deep thought work — Aytekin Tank // Jotform

Aytekin Tank, Founder and CEO of JotForm, explores automation and martech tools. When faced with challenges, it's essential to understand the underlying issues causing them. The key to automation and effective problem-solving lies in using technology to identify the fundamental causes of issues, and then creating systematic solutions to prevent their recurrence. Today, Aytekin discusses using martech tools for deep thought work.
About the speaker

Aytekin Tank


 - Jotform

Aytekin is Founder and CEO of Jotform

Automate Your Busy Work

Show Notes


  • "In the mornings, I don't check emails, Slack messages, or notifications. My computer and phone are always on silent so that I can do deeo work." - Aytekin Tank

  • "Creative solutions require deep work and timeboxing. For me, the timebox is usually 10AM to noon. Those two hours are my most creative, and I spend them trying to find good solutions to challenges." - Aytekin Tank

  • "I start my day by journaling. I type whatever comes to my mind, which helps me clarify my priorities, especially on days when I'm unsure what to work on." - Aytekin Tank

  • "It's important to understand that everything in the world is a system. When you understand the systems, the tools you use are not that important. What is important is being able to make a change in the system in your favor." - Aytekin Tank

  • "We prefer to build our own tools because it gives us a lot of freedom. And it allows us to integrate all the tools we have.." - Aytekin Tank

About the speaker

Aytekin Tank


 - Jotform

Aytekin is Founder and CEO of Jotform

Automate Your Busy Work
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