Using Direct Mail to Reach Consumers at Home & Work (Part 2) — Mike Gunderson // Gunderson Direct

Today we’re going to finish our conversation with Mike Gunderson, President of the creatively named direct mail service Gunderson Direct. In our last episode, Mike gave us an overview of the direct mail industry and how he ended up running a direct mail service business. In this episode, Mike is going to walk us through some best practices in the direct mail industry and explains how his company evaluates their campaigns.
About the speaker

Mike Gunderson

Gunderson Direct

 - Gunderson Direct

Mike is the President of Gunderson Direct which provides direct mail services to startups, SMB’s, and enterprise-scale technology companies like SoFi, Postmates, and Square.

  • Part 1 Using Direct Mail to Reach Consumers at Home & Work (Part 2) — Mike Gunderson // Gunderson Direct

Show Notes


  • “We need to make sure that our targeting is on point and that our product is relevant for the particular individual.” - Mike

  • “Its really important to aggressively test during the first few campaigns.” - Mike

  • “We try to convince our clients to think about $50,000 to $100,000 of a quantity test audience to try.” - Mike

  • “Production is one of the main reasons for high direct mail costs.” - Mike

  • “if you're trying to build awareness around a product or service, sending a direct mail piece to a relevant prospect is pretty much the best it's going to get.” - Mike

  • “From a career perspective, working for a large organization is invaluable. The people I have met there have carried my career for many years after.” - Mike

  • Part 1 Using Direct Mail to Reach Consumers at Home & Work (Part 2) — Mike Gunderson // Gunderson Direct
About the speaker

Mike Gunderson

Gunderson Direct

 - Gunderson Direct

Mike is the President of Gunderson Direct which provides direct mail services to startups, SMB’s, and enterprise-scale technology companies like SoFi, Postmates, and Square.

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    Part 1Using Direct Mail to Reach Consumers at Home & Work (Part 2) — Mike Gunderson // Gunderson Direct

    Today we’re going to finish our conversation with Mike Gunderson, President of the creatively named direct mail service Gunderson Direct. In our last episode, Mike gave us an overview of the direct mail industry and how he ended up running a direct mail service business. In this episode, Mike is going to walk us through some best practices in the direct mail industry and explains how his company evaluates their campaigns.