Technology enabled PR Strategies // Lindsay Stuart (VP of Business Intelligence / Max Borges Agency)

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In this episode, we continue discussing Public Relations with Lindsay Stuart, Vice President of Business Intelligence at Max Borges Agency, a consumer technology-focused PR firm. Although most people don't associate PR with technology, Lindsey and her team have developed data-driven marketing strategies that combine media relations, influencer relations, and social media to drive brand results. Today, Lindsey is going to talk about the technology and data she uses to create compelling content specifically for technology brands.
About the speaker

Lindsay Stuart

Max Borges Agency

 - Max Borges Agency

Lindsay is the Vice President of Business Intelligence at the Max Borges Agency, which is a consumer technology-focused PR firm.

Show Notes

  • Using Business Intelligence to Create Compelling Content
    Netbase is a very valuable tool for us. It helps us scrape conversations happening online so we can get a deeper understanding and trends amongst customer conversations.
About the speaker

Lindsay Stuart

Max Borges Agency

 - Max Borges Agency

Lindsay is the Vice President of Business Intelligence at the Max Borges Agency, which is a consumer technology-focused PR firm.

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